Chapter 2

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Link groaned inwardly as he saw Mikoto approach him. She'd given him bad vibes as soon as she layed eyes on him.

She smirked at his obvious discomfort. "Apparently I'm not allowed to mess with you...much. The boss wants you intact as much as possible." She said, breaking the silence.

Link glared at her. Possible? What was she planning?

"Hmmm." Mikoto thought allowed, tapping her chin. Then she drew out her throwing stars which where always a part of a yiga clan members ensemble. "I've always wanted to play this game that you Hylians play...what is it called? Oh yes...darts." She said and before Link could even blink, a shuriken thudded into the wall, right passed his cheek.

Link winced, a thin line of blood appearing on his face.  Mikotot smirked. "Should I see how close I can get without killing you?" She asked aloud. His eyes widened at her proclamation.

Link almost jumped out of his skin as another shurukin landed above his shoulder, a tear forming in his sleeve. "A bit on edge, are we?" The yiga woman taunted.

The hero of the Wild swallowed nervously, not wanting to respond. Mikoto scowled and threw another star at him, this time very close to his eye. He winced again, not wanting to shout or show weakness.

"Why don't you talk, Hero?" She asked as Link raised his head in response to her question. He shrugged awkwardly. He seemed to get asked that question all the time it felt like.

Mikoto grabbed the bars of the cell violently, causing them to shake a little, starling the hero.

"I'd like to at least make you scream." She threatened. Links eyes widened, his heart racing. He hoped Princess Zelda was alright, despite the situation he was in.

Suddenly Mikoto vanished, using her yiga magic and appeared inside the cell, making Link freeze. She gripped the hero's chin, forcing him to look her in the eye.

"Let's see how long it'll take for me to break you." She smirked. Link felt sweat bead on his forehead.

Two days later...

Urbosa was close to the yiga member hide out. She knew this, since she'd run into several members, all of them getting fried by her lightning.

At this point she was livid. She wished she could get to Link as fast as possible, but even with Sand Seals, she felt like it wasn't fast enough. She couldn't imagine what they'd do to him.

There had also been several cliffs in the way as well. "Your majesty," her body guard said as they continued their journey.
"Yes?" Urbosa asked. "Maybe you should turn back. We've seen no sign of Zelda's Champion." She said.

Urbosa scowled. "We've come too far at this point." The queen of the desert said. Her body guard bowed her head quickly at the offense.

"Apologies, majesty." The guard said. Urbosa accepted the apology and they continued onward.

"Hang in there, champion." Urbosa said.


Link jolted awake, stiff from standing upright for so long in chains. He was tired, especially after meeting the Yiga Clan leader who'd "taught" him a thing or two.

His ribs ached and he was pretty sure one was at least bruised badly. He didn't want Mikoto to come back...she'd toyed with him enough as it was.

For the past two days Yiga came in and out interrogating him about Urbosa's kingdom, which he only knew little about, so he didn't know what they wanted.

He wished he knew where the Master Sword was; he hadn't seen it since waking up here and it drove him nuts, not knowing where it was.

"Well, someone's finally awake." A voice Link didn't want to hear drawled. He glared at her as she approached the cell. What did the woman want this time?

"I think it's time I made that promise I made." She said, dragging Link out of his thoughts.

He gave her a confused look. " don't remember?" Mikoto teased.

"I'm going to make you sing for me." She said, making Links insides go cold with dread. What did that mean? He wondered. He thought she'd tortured him enough a day ago.

She appeared again next to him, making him jump. "Did I startle you?" She said, trailing a finger along his jaw.

Link shivered, wishing she'd go away. Mikoto cracked her knuckles as if getting ready to punch  him or something.

"I'm going to see how brave you truly are." The yiga woman said, revealing several throwing knives. Link gave her a confused look. She'd thrown things at him was this any-

The Champions eyes widened with pain as a knife suddenly appeared in his, shoulder causing him to take a sharp breath.

She smirked at him. "Now sing for me, champion." Mikoto demanded and launched another knife at him.

Link braced himself, but couldn't help release a grunt of pain as a knife sliced his thigh.

"Damn. I missed." Mikoto muttered. Link jerked his head up. Missed? He thought, feeling hot pain in his shoulder and a little on his leg.  He wished someone would come in and save him.

He saved everyone else...shouldn't  he get his own hero? Link flinched as another weapon embedded itself in the wall, slicing through his shirt and side.

It went on like this for what felt like a long time to Link, then he tensed as Mikoto through another and it landed in his other shoulder rather deeply.

"Agh!" Link cried out in pain as the yiga woman smiled. "See? That's all I wanted to hear." She teased.

Zelda's Champion tried to hold back tears, but he couldn't  as much as he wanted to. Another knife sliced his cheek again, but this was a bit deeper. He flinched which was uncomfortable with two knives impaled in his shoulders.

Suddenly, Mikoto appeared next to him again. Link looked away from her, but she grabbed his hair, forcing him to look at him. She leaned as close to his face as possible. "This is the finale." Mikoto whispered.

Links eyes widened as he felt a blade launch into his abdomen, making him scream in pain. The yiga woman let go of his hair and smiled at him as he screamed in agony.

"See? I told you I'd make you sing for me...and it was a lovely tune." She said. Link couldn't hear her though; he could only hear his own screams.

Suddenly there was a loud explosion outside. Mikoto glanced out the door that lead into the cells. Then, a larger yiga member entered.

"Mikoto. We're under attack. We need all hands." He said, eyeing the screaming hero. She followed her fellow members gaze.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of him." She promised. The yiga member nodded and headed out. Mikoto pinched one of Links nerves and caused him to pass out.

"Goodnight, Champion." Mikoto said as she left the hero of the Wild in darkness.


Urbosa chuckled, snapping her fingers again as the Yiga Clan continued charging her but failing. If any of them got to close her body guard would cut them down.

'This is too easy.' She said a smile on her face. Another wave of the clan charged at her and she smirked, readying  her finger.

'Don't worry, Link. We're coming.' She promised and snapped, thunder cracking in the air

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