Chapter 3

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Urbosa entered the dungeon and gasped at seeing Links condition. He was unconscious and several knives protruded from him.

"Keep an eye on the door." The Queen Gerudo commanded her bodyguard. Most of the Yiga was knocked out from her lightning, but Urbosa just wanted to be cautious.

She busted the cell Link was in, open. She'd stolen the keys from the Yiga member who was in charge of the dungeon keys and moved to free her fellow champion.

Urbosa unlocked the chains that held Link and he fell unceremoniously into her. "Link?" Urbosa  asked, even though he wouldn't answer. She felt his heavy breathing though and that realized him.

Suddenly Urbosa heads familiar laughter and a yiga appeared. "So you've rescued the boy already." She said. The Queen Gerudo got into a defensive position, her arm, protective around Link.

"I just came to give a warning." The yiga clan member said. Urbosa nodded for the member to continue. "I stabbed the Champion in the abdomen. He might bleed out if you don't hurry." She said. Urbosa could see the smirk on the yigas face even without the mask.

Urbosa glared at the Yiga member. Her body guard ran over to cut the member down but she disappeared with a laugh before she could.

Urbosa sighed and lifted Link bridal style. She looked at her bodyguard.

"Let's get Link out of here."


Link felt himself being carried as he drifted in and out of consciousness. He felt as if hours passed, but he wasn't sure. He felt disoriented as he felt someone lay him on what felt like sand.

Suddenly he felt someone touch him and-

"Aaaaagh!" Link screamed and sat bolt upright startling Urbosa who had gone to dress his dress his wounds. They had taken a break on their way back to Gerudo Villiage and they still had a days ride at the least.

Links breathing got faster and he started to panic. What was going on?? The last thing he remembered was being knocked out by Mikoto...and now he was in the middle of the desert!?

He felt like he couldn't breath. Suddenly he heard a familiar voice trying to comfort him.

"Link! Link, it's me. You need to calm down." Urbosa of Gerudo told him. He looked at her directly and relief to overwhelmed him as he saw a familiar face.

Urbosa inched closer, but cautiously. He tried to relax his breathing, but he felt like he couldn't.

"Keep looking at me, Link. Your safe now. There's nothing to worry about." The Queen said and gingerly put her hand on the her fellow Champions shoulder. Link flinched at the touch, making Urbosa's heart constrict. She was trying her best to calm the hero, but nothing seemed to work.

"Your safe now. It's ok." She repeated this a few times then she had an idea. The Gerudo Queen gently wrapped her arms around Link, his breathing still fast and enveloped him in what she was hoping a motherly hug.

She put his head against her shoulder. Link tensed at the contact, but Urbosa held firm and began rubbing circles on his back. She felt tears on her shoulder as the hero let out all his stress and fear.

"Shhhh. It's alright. Your safe now. I'll protect you." Urbosa said as Links body shook with tears.

Link swallowed, tears still streaming down his face and he felt his face warm with shame. He and Urbosa sat like that for a while as he continued to try to relax.

Once he was calm enough, Urbosa cleared her throat and released him. "I need to redress your wounds." She said. Links eyes widened, but then nodded in understanding, feeling dull pains throughout his body.

Had she already healed him somewhat? Urbosa helped Link redress his wounds, despite Zelda's Champions hissing from the wounds once and a while.

"We're a days ride from Gerudo Village." Queen Urbosa explained to him as she finished off the gash in his abdomen and cinched it right.

Link flinched at the tightness of the bandage, but was still able to nod at the Gerudo Queens statement. "We should be there by late evening if we keep this pace." She continued, nodding towards the sand seals sleeping peacefully just outside the perimeter of the camp.

Link nodded, his eyes feeling heavy. "Princess Zelda is also safe waiting for you in my palace." Urbosa went on. Then she noticed that Link was starting to drift off. She moved it close and realized he'd fallen asleep sitting up, so she gently moved his head to her lap.

His breathing started to become a normal pace finally. Urbosa looked up at the stars twinkling in the night. A shooting star fell across the sky like a line of ink on paper.

"He shouldn't be Zeldas Champion." Urbosa's body guard suddenly spoke, breaking the quietness around them.

Urbosa scowled, making her bodyguard tense. "How do you mean?" She asked.

The bodyguard shrugged as if she hadn't said something on the lines of what she considered to be  treason.

"He's too young...voe's his age shouldn't  have to go through this." Urbosa's bodyguard explained.

So she felt pitty for him. Urbosa thought, looking at the Hylian resting on her thigh. His face seemed peaceful enough, but she wondered what he was dreaming about.

"Zelda said his father was a it only makes sense." Urbosa replied, looking up at the stars.

Her bodyguard sighed. "You know that's not what I mean." She said.  "Sadly yes." The Gerudo Queen.

"The only problem is, his fate is with Zelda." Urbosa said, surprising her captain of the guards.

"I mean it'll be a difficult path. This is only the beginning." She explained. The captain nodded and stood.

"You should rest...I'll keep-." Before the bodyguard even finished her sentence they both heard it: lyzothos. They where stealthy, but Gerudo had lived with them their whole lives and where used to their stealth and tricks.

Urbosa looked at the sleeping figure. She didn't want to disturb Link, but she was afraid they'd have to get a move on; she had a feeling the yiga had sent these creatures.

Gently she picked the hero of the Wild up in her arms, not disturbing him. "Once they get close I'll smite them. Then we need to move. I have a feeling more will come." The Gerudo Queen said, feeling electricity coursing through her fingertips.

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