Part 2: Urbosa

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Urbosa was running out of options. The yiga clan was terrorizing her kingdom with random assassinations and disappearances. She had been forced to set a curfew for her kingdom and residents and essentially go into lockdown.

She knew that Gerudo women didn't like being contained for very long, however, and knew she was going to have to find other options.

She was discussing with her advisors when a soldier came running in, Princess Zelda of Hyrule draped over her shoulder and what looked like a nasty cut on her forehead. Urbosa stood in alarm and made the advisors move out of the way.

"What in Hylia's name happened?" She demanded. The soldier had to catch her breath, but it didn't take her very long to recover; it seems like she'd been running for miles.

Two guards approached and took the Hylian royal off the others hands gently.

"Y....yiga...." The soldier said and pointed in the direction of out of town. "...was...patrolling...when...I saw the Hero...and the princess....attacked." The soldier finished and calmed down at the same time.

Urbosa gripped her sword, in its sheath on her hip, so hard her knuckles turned white with fury.

"What happened to Link?" She demanded. Urbosa gave a nod towards guard women holding Princess Zelda in the direction of the guest quarters. They headed in that direction.

The Gerudo soldier shrugged. "I think they took him." She said, looking over her shoulder cautiously.

Urbosa scowled. That was the final straw...she would handle this herself.

"Tend to Zelda," Urbosa demanded. The guard nodded and looked at her queen. "What will you do?" She asked.

"I'm going hunting." The Gerudo queen growled.


"Looks like he's waking up." A distant voice echoed in the hero of the wilds ear.

Slowly but surely, Link opened his eyes and squinted at the bright morning sun. His head felt full of cotton and he couldn't think straight. His vision was a little blurry as well and he couldn't remember what happened after he'd supposedly blacked out somehow.

Two masked faces eventually came into focus. Link lurched back in shock at the sight of Yiga clan members looming over him. He went for his sword, then realized there was a cuff on his wrist which made a clink noise.

Link glared at the Yiga clan members, not sure what else to do. The female member laughed at the hero of the wilds expense.

"So what do we need to do with him? Wait for the boss? Or can I have some fun with him first?" The female yiga clan member said, approaching Link, smiling at him suggestively.

Link cringed away from her as she smirked at him. "Stand down Mikoto, and yes, we're supposed to wait for the boss." The other member - a man - said as he put his hand on his companions shoulder.

The woman, named Mikoto, pouted and stuck her bottom lip out. "Not even a few minutes?" She said, blinking her eyes at the male yiga clan member.

The man rolled his eyes. "No. Now come with me; we have a meeting to attend to." The yiga clan member said, giving Link a once over and the two left wherever he was and closed the cage door.


Urbosa smirked as she snapped her fingers again, frying another lyzothos to a crisp. She shielded her eyes against the setting sun, her kingdom a blur on the horizon behind her.

Since Link hadn't made it back already, she had assigned herself as his rescue team... plus her body guard who didn't talk much.

Zelda had told her Link had gotten captured by the yiga clan -once she'd woken up - when they where on their way to meet with her and discuss about the Shrines. So Urbosa felt a bit of responsibility in this predicament.

The desert queen swiveled her head in the sound of another noise. A hoard of lyzothos came streaming toward the two women.

Urbosa sighed dramatically. "Do you realize who has the upper hand?" She said rhetorically, feeling electricity in the air. The queen of the Gerudo then snapped her fingers and felt the power of the electricity fry all the lyzothos at once.

She smirked, putting her hands on her hips and looking at her body guard.

"Shall we?" Urbosa said, gesturing her hand to lead the way.

Then, she heard all to familiar laughter.

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