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Links nightmares never truly went away. Zelda just helped him learn how to deal with them whether he woke in a cold sweat or screams.

They rode through the rest of the Great Platuo without much of an issue. Only a few Bokoblins and other random enemies in there way.

Zelda noticed Link didn't look as pale or exhausted as he previously did and she was glad. They had at least one more week of riding before they where back to Hyrule Kingdom. Zelda didn't mind though; she liked being out in the Wild.

Link seems to enjoy it too...when his nightmares didn't plague him. "We should be home in about a week." Zelda commented looking up at the sky. It was a beautiful day out and they hadn't run into any wandering enemies.

Link smiled at her. Zelda was taken aback; she'd never seen him smile before. Even when they where kids, he was always so serious.

She felt tears at the corners of her eyes and wiped them away quickly, but Link gave her a concerned look.

"I'm alright." She said. Then his expression turned inquisitive. "I've just never seen you with such emotion on you're face is all." Zelda decided to admit.

Link blushed, not sure how else to react. Zelda laughed, Links face getting even redder. She had to calm herself.

"Sorry." She said, catching her breath. Link shrugged, his face going back to normal. Then Zelda had a thought that worries her.

"Do you think they'll come?" She asked, talking about the other Champions. Link wasn't sure how to answer that, so he shrugged.

"I hope so." She said. They rode in silence for a while, despite it being a once sided conversation.

Zelda looked to the horizon and saw there was an inn not far from where they where. She knew from that landmark they where halfway home.

She looked behind her, not believing the  journey she and Link had just gone on.

So instead she looked ahead...to the future and the unknown.

Links Champions: Breath of the WildWhere stories live. Discover now