Chapter 2

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Link, the hero of the Wild blinked his eyes open, feeling like he'd gotten run over by a horse.

He shakily sat up and a cough ran through him and he shivered. Looking around, he realized he was in the Zora's Domain palace.

He couldn't remember how he'd gotten there until a memory resurfaced of him trying to fight a moblin and failing.

'Mipha!' Link thought anxiously and decided to try to get up. As if he'd summoned her, the Zora princess appeared in the doorway just as he'd decided to stand up.

Link smiled at her until a wave of dizziness washed over him and he sat back down heavily. "Link!" Mipha gasped and put the tray she was carrying on the night stand.

"You're awake!" She said, a smile on her face. Link nodded, his smile turning tired as he looked up at her.

Link coughed a few times again, feeling exhausted. "Why don't you lie back down?" She asked. The hero of the Wild shook his head and tried getting up again.

He was able to stand, but he swayed horribly. Mipha looked crossly at him and put her hand on his shoulder.

"As the princess of Zoras domain, I command you to lie back down." She said gently, sitting the hero back down.

Link took a deep breath as if relieved by her command and then he watched as Mipha used her healing touch, which made him feel a bit better.

Mipha continued to smile. "I've been healing you since I brought you here," she explained as she kept her hand on his shoulder.

Link gave her a puzzled look as if to ask: "You brought me here?"

The princess nodded. "Some of my men and I went looking for you, since Epona arrived here without you." She said. Link could tell she wanted to tell the whole story so he waited for her to continue.

"When the moblin appeared was when we found you. You tried to rescue me, but you where very sick." Mipha said, looking at her feet awkwardly.

Link nodded, the rest of the memory falling into place. "After the moblin was defeated I brought you here; you've been sleeping for three days."  The princess finished.

Links eyes widened at that revelation. Three days!? Link swayed suddenly, the world tilting.

"Link?" Mipha asked, worry spread on her face. He held up his hand, motioning that he was ok.

She handed Link a glass of water. "We don't really need to hydrate, but I know it helps you Hylians." The Zora Princess said, the worry fading as Link took a king drink of water.
Link smiled as a "thank you" and handed Mipha the cup back. Mipha smiled gently.

"I think you should rest." The Zora princess said and placed her hand on Links shoulder again, causing him to feel drowsy.

In less than a minute the hero of the wild was fast asleep and Mipha left him to his dreams.

When the next time Link woke, he saw that it was nighttime outside the window and wondered how long he'd been out.

He rubbed his eyes and got out of bed. He swayed a little, but he was able to keep himself balanced. He decided he shouldn't burden the Zora much longer, so he went to look for Epona and food...his stomach growled angrily at him.

Link grabbed his cloak from his pack because he felt cold, which had been lying next to him, and headed out the door.

He only got to the hallway before he ran into Mipha who looked puzzled. "Link! What're you doing?" She asked gently, looking him up and down.

He shrugged and pointed out the nearest window where the road leading outside the kingdoms  entrance headed.

Mipha scrunched her eyebrows. "You want to leave? But you're still recovering. It'll at least take a day or two more for you to fully heal." She almost pleaded, but didn't want Link to notice.

Link winced; that was not the answer he wanted to hear. He pursed his lips, not sure what to do.

Princess Mipha gave him a concerned look. "Why don't you stay a bit longer...until
you're better rested at least." She said, taking the heroes clenched hand in hers.

To Mipha, the hero of the Wild was still warm to the touch with a fever. He wasn't swaying much, but his face was flushed.

Links shoulders slumped, eyeing the window as if he had somewhere important to be. Mipha knew Link wanted to go back to Princess Zelda as fast as possible, but he was still ill and she wanted him to be his best before he left.

"Please, Link? Just a day or two more...I can fully heal you then." She promised. Link looked out the window one more time then nodded, his throat sore from his cold.

Suddenly his stomach growled, interrupting the silence that had fallen between them. Mipha perked up.

"We have some soup left over from dinner! I'll go get it for you after you're escorted back to your room." She said. Link scrunched his eyebrows now. 'Escorted?' He wondered.

"Pearl! Escort the hero back to his room please." She said, gesturing to the closest soldier. She snapped to attention and saluted.

"Yes, your highness." The soldier said, taking Link gently by the arm and leading him back to his room.  As they entered Link suddenly felt exhausted just from walking and decided to sit down on the bed.

"The princess will be on her way soon." Pearl promised and left Link to himself. A few minutes later, Mipha came back with a bowl of soup in her hand and gave it to him.

Link smiled at her and took the bowl with shaky hands, then slowly at the soup, not having eaten in a while. Mipha smiled at him as he ate quietly.

Soon he was done and Mipha handed the bowl to a passing guard outside the room. Then Mipha surprised him by sitting down next to him.

"Now...I know you want to go back to Zelda as soon as possible," She said, causing Link to look up at her.

"But, you need to take care of yourself once and awhile." The Zora princess finished. Link looked at his lap as if in thought or not sure what to say.

Eventually he nodded, his eyes feeling heavy. Soon, the hero of the Wild was once again asleep. Mipha smiled at the sleeping hero and put a blanket over him.

"Sleep well, Hero." She said and headed out of the room.

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