Chapter 3

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One Week Later...

Link, the hero of Hyrule took a breath of fresh air. He'd been on bed rest for a whole week, since he'd arrived Zora's Domain. Everyone had been kind in helping him recover from his cold.

But he was glad to be on the move again. He had to look for Princess Zelda...again. They'd been separated a week and a half before because Zelda had run off to visit a Shrine on her own terms and had left Link in the dust.

"I'm so glad you're feeling better." Link heard as he turned around to see Princess Mipha smiling behind him, Epona's reigns in her hand.

Link nodded in agreement. Mipha sighed inwardly; she liked conversing with the hero of the Wild, but it was hard having a one sided conversation.

She handed Link the reigns. He smiled in thanks. Mipha wished he'd respond instead of silent gestures.

"Well, I'm assuming your heading off soon?" She asked, her eyes big, trying to get him to say something. Link only nodded, a smile still on his face.

Mipha took a bundle out of the satchel she'd been carrying. She'd made some food for Link on the road.

"I thought you might need these." She said, handing a bundle to him. Link nodded again. Mipha sighed. Link gave her a confused look.

"I wish you'd say something. It's a bit hard having a one sided conversation." Mipha explained. Link made an "ah." expression in understanding.

There was an awkward silence between them, except for Epona's light breathing. Link put the bundle Mipha gave him in his pack and made a few mor adjustments.

"I wish I understood why you don't speak." Mipha finally said after a while. Link rubbed the back of his head uncomfortably, not sure how to respond and looked at the ground.

He decided on a shrug, since he couldn't really explain it himself. The Zora Princess sighed more audibly this time, but as more of an understanding.

"Well, if you figure it out...let me know alright?" Mipha asked, a feint smile on her face. Link cheered up a bit and gave her a thumbs up.

There was another awkward silence between them, the breeze blowing softly across the grass that was passed the walkway that lead into Zora's Domain. Link had been grateful that he'd been near by when he'd fallen ill. Other wise he wasn't sure what would've happened if Epona hand't lead Mipha to him.

Link wanted to express his thanks without words, but he wasn't really sure how.

Mipha still smiled at him however. "I guess you should get going. You must want to catch up to Princess Zelda right?" She said shyly.

Link nodded. He was about to get on Epona and head off. Then he thought of something. He ran back to the Zora princess and surprised her with a hug.

Mipha blinked. "Oof!" She said as Link enveloped her. Zora's didn't really have this kind of affection so she wasn't really sure how to respond. They stood like that, but Mipha didn't know how long.

Though she wished she could hold on to the moment forever. Finally Link let her go and he gave her a reassuring smile. Mipha felt complete with that moment; she knew she would hold on to it for as long as she could.

Soon the hero of the Wild was off on Epona zooming across the wilderness, the Zora princess smiling at his back.

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