Chapter 3

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Link was back in the cell in the Yiga hideout. He wasn't surprised though. But instead of Koga, it was Mikoto who stood in front of him.

This threw him off....and made him pale at the sight of her. She smirked in her usual way. For some reason that gave him dread in his stomach.

"Miss me, Hero?" She asked. Link tensed and felt cuffs on his wrists. He looked up at them and then when he turned back Mikoto was in his face. He swallowed.

She gripped his chin, making him face her. "We'll find you, Champion. We always know where you are."

Why was he so afraid of her? He felt his pulse pound against his ribs. Then suddenly Mikoto was choking him, an iron grip around his neck. He tried to kick at her but couldn't.

He couldn't breath. Why was she doing this? How was this happening? He started seeing spots in his eyes and his chest constricted.

Mikoto kept the grip on his neck and squeezed harder. "We know where you are." She said and repeated it several times.

Link tried to stay awake but her grip on his neck was too tight.

Someone! Help! He thought.



Link awoke with a scream, starling Zelda awake. He lashed out at air and Zelda stood and approached him cautiously. She'd learned this the hard way and crouched next to Link.

"Link. It's need to wake up." She said, cautiously touching his shoulder.  She sighed when that didn't work and locked her Champion into a hug, her shoulder feeling wet from his tears.

"You need to relax. I'm're just having a nightmare." She said, Links chest rising and falling rapidly against hers.

"You need to wake up!" She said. They sat like that for a few minutes, Zelda holding Link as he tried catching his breath.

But Link felt as if he couldn't and Mikoto was still trying to choke the life out of him. He felt Zeldas hand on his back suddenly and he started to realize where he was.
They where at their campsite on the Great Plateau, where they didn't have as much cover as he'd liked.

Link took in gulps of air, getting his body to stop shaking. He registered that Zelda was holding him. And noticed her shoulder was wet with his tears. He blinked and pulled away from her, embarrassed, but grateful all the same.

Zelda sighed with relief. "I'm glad you woke up this time." She said. Link tilted his head. This time?

Then he remembered the last several stops they made and every time they've stopped he had terrible nightmares....that was why he'd been trying to stay awake as long as he could.

He gave Zelda an apology again, feeling bad for making her having to go through his problems. She smiled. "It alright, we're in this together so we should help each other with our problems right?" She said as if reading his mind.

Link rubbed the back of his neck, still feeling tense, but nodded at her comment. She sidled up next to him, even though they where already close.

He rubbed his eyes, feeling exhausted and just wanting to tell Zelda everything, but wasn't sure how to.  So he did in his own way. Zelda listened to him and he felt relived finally engaging with her instead of not accepting her help.

Zelda smiled when Link finished and then she hugged him again. "We're all here for you, just have to remember that." Zelda said releasing him.

That's when Link heard an all to familiar laugh and a chill went down his spine.


Zelda stood, heart in her throat. Had they been followed all the way out here? She thought Urbosa had taken care of the Yiga...she guessed they just wanted revenge.

She noticed Link had gone pale as the member kept laughing and suddenly she appeared, behind Link, taking him hostage.

Zelda glared. "I told you I would find you, Hero." She whispered, Links eyes widening. Zelda unslung her bow and knocked an arrow.

"Let. Him. Go." She demanded

"Hmmm. I don't think I want to." She said, pressing her weapon against Links neck.  Zelda noticed his chest starting to rise rapidly and his hands started to shake.

Zelda had to save Link...but she wasn't sure how. There was a tense silence, no one moving or saying anything.

Then the Yiga spoke. "Maybe I should just make him disappear with me." She said, making Link tense. Zelda didn't say anything, instead she drew her bow tighter as a warning.

"Are you willing to shoot you're precious Champion, Princess?" Her enemy taunted trailing her finger down Links jaw making him shutter.

"Or maybe I should make him bow!" She said and kicked the back of Links knee cap harshly, sending him to the ground. He cried out in pain, since the Yiga woman held onto his wrist and twisted.

Zelda didn't flinch, trying to stay calm for Link. "I don't think she cares." The women said, trying to get to Link.

He looked up at her and gave her a look of understanding. She dipped her chin as slightly as she could.

The yiga woman pressed Link down hard, causing him to cry out again. "Times waisting, Princess. "Whats you're choice? You can escape and leave him with me...or watch him-."

Zelda loosed her arrow into the woman's shoulder. She lurched back and let Link go. He stood before she could recover, drawing his sword.

"Wrong choice." The woman said, disappearing one second and appearing behind Zelda the next.

Before she could harm Zelda, Link shoved his princess aside and slammed into the Yiga woman, who started laughing at him. "Have I Haunted you're nightmares, Hero?" She said, dodging his movements as Zelda shot more arrows.

Just then the woman kicked Link in the side and pinned him to the ground, her knee on his chest. She grabbed his neck and began to squeeze. "Link!" Zelda yelled and charged at their enemy.

Link started panicking...was he really going to die at the hands of a Yiga? And all because of lack of sleep!? He tried to pry her hands off of him, but she was too strong at the moment.

His arms shook with the effort of trying get the woman away from him. Mikoto continued to squeeze hard, a grin on her face as Link felt as if he was going to pass out.

"What's the matter? Aren't you going to fights back!?" She yelled at him. Link flinched as she got in his face.

"You're going to die, Champion...and I'm going to enjoy it." She said. What was taking Zelda so long? Link wondering spots dancing in his vision.

He tried to get up, but Mikoto pressed her knee harder on his chest, pinning him to the grass. Then suddenly she jerked, blood forming on her middle.

"Did you forget me?" Zelda asked and the woman released Link and fell to the side. He took in a precious breath and sat up. "Link! alright?" Zelda asked even if it was a ridiculous question.

He didn't move for a few minutes, but rubbed his neck where a bruise was starting to form. Zelda say on her knees and looked him over. He doesn't look too injured...I hope.  She thought.

Then she noticed Link was shaking. "Link?" Zelda asked softly. Link looked up and tears where running down his face. Zelda hated that he suffered so much for her sake.
She lunged and wrapped her Champion in a hug. This time he didn't even flinch or tense; he just let her hold him as he sobbed onto her shoulder. Zelda could feel him shaking in her arms.

Zelda tried not to look at the Yiga members body as she comforted Link; she did hope she'd finished the vile woman off however.

"It's alright...we're safe now." Zelda whispered, feeling the calm after the storm.

They stayed that way for a while until Link was asleep in her grasp.

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