Chapter 4

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Link woke, feeling as if he'd been run over by ten Lionel's and propped himself up. But then he felt immediately dizzy and regretted it.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and he jumped. Turning he saw Urbosa smiling at him. "I'm glad you're awake." She said.

Link gave her a confused look, then memories came flooding back to him and he vaguely remembered passing out on Urbosa's lap and he blushed. Urbosa chuckled.

"You where pretty roughed up...and exhausted. So, I didn't mind taking care of you." She said. Link gave her a nod of thanks but still felt uncomfortable about that.

Then his eyes widened as he remembered Mikoto and he felt paled. Urbosa gave him a concerned look. "What's wrong?" She asked.

He pointed in the direction of the Yiga Clan hideout, his hand shaking. Urbosa made an o in realization. "I took care of them; there gone for now." She said, glancing in that direction.

Link sighed in relief. Even though it'd only been three or four days, the Yiga Clan terrified him. He didn't want to be in their clutches ever again.

" crying?" Urbosa asked, as Link suddenly felt tears streaming his face. He didn't know why. Relief? Or still fear? He was sure.

"Should I get Zelda?" She asked and Link ferociously shook his head. He wiped his eyes with the back of his hands, which where still shaking.

Urbosa let him sit like that for a minute. She knew how hard the Heroes path was. She'd seen what all Zelda had to go through.

Both of them had hard paths to take and she felt like they weren't even near the end yet. Urbosa then wrapped Link into a hug. He tensed as he did, before, but then accepted her as she was trying to comfort him.

"You're safe. Nothing will harm you while your in my protection." She said, trying her best to soothe him.

He shook in her grasp, his breaths shuttering. "It's alright." Queen of the Gerudo said. Links head was on her shoulder and he nodded, but couldn't seem to relax.

Urbosa sighed and kept holding him. They're just children. She thought, looking out at the setting sun as Link poured out his emotions.

When they parted, Link smiled weakly in thanks and rubbed his red eyes. Urbosa handed him a glass of water.

"I'm assuming you're probably thirsty." She said, trying to make him feel better. The hero of the Wild nodded and accepted the glass.

The Gerudo Queen watched as he drank the whole glass of water. "We'll keep this our secret, ok?" She said, mostly talking about Links emotions. He nodded in agreement,silently thanking her again.

The Queen smiled. "No problem." She said, standing. "Let me get Zelda." Link nodded, feeling ready to see his princess.


Zelda crushed Link in a hug, as if she'd forgotten his rib was still healing. "I'm glad you're alright." She said, despite all the times she'd yelled and berated him.

He rubbed his neck as she released him. Zelda had apparently been discussing with Urbosa about defeating Ganon and how she'll need to unlock her power...which they still didn't know what that really was, besides having the Tri Force of Wisdom.

Urbosa said she'd help as well as Rivali, Mipha and Daruk and that's why they'd been on there way to Gerudo Desert. To get Urbosa's help, even though she said she would've helped even if they hadn't asked.

"So, do you have everything you need?" Urbosa said as Link and Zelda finished loading up their horses. Link looked to Zelda to answer, but he had a feeling Urbosa was partially directing the question at him.

"Yes, thank you so much for rescuing Link." Zelda replied, glancing over her shoulder to look at him. He blushed, not linking all the attention.

Urbosa chuckled, watching the two. "It was no problem you're highness. The Yiga had it coming to them." She said, winking. Zelda smiled and gave her a hug.

"I'll tell father you will also join us in going to the mountain." She said, a hopeful look on her face. Urbosa nodded.

Then she approached Link, motherly concern as Zelda finished up packing. "Are you going to be alright?" Urbosa asked.

Link looked up at her. He shrugged as if she shouldn't be worried, but she was concerned for the little voe. She put her hand on his shoulder.

"If you ever need anything....anything at all," she emphasized. "Please tell me." She said. Link looked at his feet, not sure how to react.

Link gave her the sign language for 'Thank you.' And Urbosa smiled and gave him one more hug.

"Be safe." She said. and Link nodded.

"Come on, Link. We've got a long ways to go." The Hyrulian Princess said, already on her horse.

Link sighed as if to say 'Duty calls.' and returned Urbosas hug, then Urbosa watched as he hopped into his horse.

She watched as the two rode off, heading back to Hyrule. She hoped Link would take her seriously when she said she was there for him.

"Do you think they'll manage?" Urbosa's guard asked, appearing next to her. Urbosa sighed as the two began to canter off.

"I believe so." She said as wind swept through her hair.

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