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"Just one more!"

"No Sung, that's enough."

"P-please! I need it!" he slurred.

"The only thing you need is rest. Come on, let's get going." Minho insisted as he dragged the younger through the crowd.

Jisung resisted, "H-how am I supposed to f-forget him then?!" Jisung hiccupped. The younger clearly had too much to drink, and Minho had to make sure he came home safely.

"If you're sleeping then you won't be thinking about him." Minho answered the question objectively.

"Ughh fine." Jisung surrendered, allowing Minho to drag him back to their dorm.

The younger was quick to fall asleep in the car. Minho glanced at the drunk boy, he knew how broken he was. It was his first relationship, the guy's name was Hyunjin, and let me tell you that the guy was indeed handsome. Despite his good looks, he was not good for Jisung. At all. The inexperienced younger fell prey to the handsome boy, who was known to sleep around, often returning to his ex, Seungmin, who had an on and off relationship with the player. Minho warned Jisung of his antics yet the boy was too naive, falling victim to Hyunjin's flirting.

Jisung simply liked the attention he received, he's never had anyone like him, despite being rather attractive himself. He wanted to finally experience love when he got into college, he wanted to have his first kiss, his first boyfriend, his first time even. Yet things never came that far between Hyunjin and him as he caught the former with Seungmin when he entered the school bathroom earlier today. Jisung was exposed to their makeout session when he opened the bathroom door. At that scene, Jisung ran back to his dorm, skipping his last class, until Minho came back and comforted the broken-hearted boy. They decided to attend a party that night, which clearly didn't turn out too well.

Minho carried the boy out of his car and back to their dorm. He was surprised, and admittedly a little flustered when the boy wrapped his hands around the elder's neck, snuggling into the crook of his neck shortly after. Minho and Jisung were roommates but naturally became best friends, but Minho couldn't help feeling a little something for the younger. The elder knew it was wrong to try and claim him, as they were roommates; he didn't want to ruin the younger as well, he was too pure in his eyes. When he heard news of him and Hyujin, he did feel a little dejected, but then remembered his role as a friend, and chose to be happy for the boy. He feigned being happy for Jisung's sake.

"He's a really good kisser Hyung! It was my first kiss too.."

"Mhmn." was all the elder replied, secretly saddened by the younger's excitement.

Jisung threw a pillow at Minho's face. "Ya! What was that for?!"

"You weren't listening!" Jisung pouted.


"I don't want to hear about your guys' endeavors." Minho stated.

"Come on Minnie, you're my best friend! Who else would I tell everything to?"

You call me that nickname and simultaneously remind me I'm only your friend, huh? How cruel Jisung. How cruel.

"Why do you like him anyway? Don't you know his reputation?"

"I knowww, but I'm just trying to have some fun too! I'm finally in college, now's the time to live!" Jisung exclaimed as he plopped onto the bed, looking up at the ceiling.

"Does that mean it's not serious?" Minho inquired, hoping for an answer that would reassure him.

"Hmm, I don't know! He's cute, for sure, but I don't know if it's love."

For Minho, this answer would suffice. He hoped it wasn't love, and that it was never going to be love, not only because he wanted to have a chance with Jisung but, more importantly, he didn't want the younger to be broken-hearted. Jisung fell asleep shortly after his response to Minho.

"Wake up Sung." Minho said as he shook Jisung side to side.

"Where are we Min?" Jisung responded drowsily.

That nickname again.

"At the dorms, you're still wasted, you need rest."

"Min.." Jisung said, then paused.


"Do you think anyone can ever love me?" Jisung said in a dejected tone.

"Of course Jisung!" Minho exclaimed, a little too loudly. He cleared his throat, "I mean, of course, you're an amazing person Ji, anyone would be lucky to call you theirs." Minho reassured, being a little too honest.

"...Even you?"

Minho was taken aback from what Jisung just said. What did he mean by this? There was an awkward silence between the two. (caw caw caw)

"I'm only kidding Min. I know we're just friends." There was a trace of sadness in Jisung's tone, but it had gone unnoticed by Minho.

"Come on, let's tuck you to bed yeah?" Minho suggested, trying to move past what just happened.

"What are you, my mom?" Jisung whined.

"Feels like it sometimes." Minho amused.

Jisung simply hit Minho with a pillow, falling asleep shortly after murmuring a quick thank you to Minho. Minho glanced at the younger. He always admired the soft facial features that adorned the boy, his chubby cheeks, his bright eyes, those pink lips. He'd forever envy Hwang Hyunjin for claiming what he longed to be his. With bittersweet thoughts, Minho too drifted to sleep.

Hello to anyone who happens to read this!

This is my first au ever, so I apologize if the story kinda sucks, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless! SORRY IF IT ENDS UP CLICHE!

Ratings would be very much appreciated! 🥺

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