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Friday morning~

"Why are you up so early?" Minho questioned as he sat on the floor with Jisung, enveloping him in a back hug. 

Jisung was trying to get all his work done today so he'd be free all weekend, in time for their date on Saturday. "I'm trying to get all my homework done, but I'm having trouble with calculus," Jisung said as he leaned back into the hug. 

"I can help," Minho offered. 

"Ah I don't want to waste your time Min." 

"Ji, time spent with you is never a waste, I insist, after I shower though," Minho replied as he got up and went to their bathroom. 

Jisung heard the shower turn on shortly after, his thoughts stayed on the older and never went back to calculus. Time passed by as Jisung kept thinking about how Minho made him feel, the pace of his heart quickening as he recalls all the moments they've spent together. He makes me feel loved, like I matter. He always prioritizes me and treats me like his whole world. I'm happy, he makes me happy. I think I.. I think I lov- 

Jisung's train of thought was stopped when he heard the shower shut off and the door open. His eyes went from looking at his fingers to Minho, who was drying his hair with a towel. Shirtless. 

"Hyung!" Jisung squealed as he covered his eyes with his tiny hands. 

"Hm?" Minho said as he continued drying his hair, smirking at the younger. Minho got closer to Jisung, sitting right next to him. "What is it baby?" He whispered into Jisung's ear. 

"Put a shirt on! Y-You need to help me with this!" Jisung said as he pointed to his textbook, eyes still shut. 

"You get flustered so easily, it's very cute," Minho laughed. "You don't like me shirtless?" 

"That's not it! I-I mean, just put a shirt on!" 

"What if I don't, hmm?" 

Jisung threw the blanket he was cuddling with over Minho, covering the older up. 

"Shut up and help me," Jisung snapped, annoyed at Minho's teasing. He knew what effect he had over Jisung as he always turned into a flustered mess because of the older. 

"Okay," Minho giggled, adjusting his blanket that Jisung threw over him since it was draped over his face, "what do you need help on?" 

"Antiderivatives, I get derivatives, but I don't know how to work them backwards, I wasn't really paying attention." 

"You weren't paying attention in class? What were you thinking about?" You. Our date. Where we'll go, what we'd do. Maybe me asking you to be my boyfriend. 

"What I'll eat for lunch." 

"Of course, you're always hungry," Minho said as he poked Jisung's cheeks. 

"Anyways, help!" 

"Okay, okay, you're just too cute," Minho's tone changed to a more serious one, "So what you do is you add 1 to the power, and then you divide the coefficient by said power," Minho explained as he did one of Jisung's homework problems, clearly showing the younger how he got his answer. 

"Oh! Seems simple enough," Jisung said as he tried the other problems himself. Minho sat looking at him whilst Jisung solved his problems, showing Minho his answers occasionally to see if he's on the right track. Minho's blanket slipped off of him, revealing his toned body. When Jisung looked back at Minho to report his answers, he quietly gasped. 

"I don't know why you haven't put a shirt on yet." 

"Because I like making you all flustered," Minho cooed. 

Suddenly, Jisung put down his pencil and put his hands on Minho's shoulders, propping himself on the older. "J-Ji, what are you doing," Minho stuttered. 

"You always tease me," Jisung accused as he pointed a finger towards Minho, poking him on his bare chest. "So how about I give you a taste of your own medicine," Jisung muttered as he got closer to Minho, a hand on his exposed waist as he placed kisses that trailed Minho's jaw and neck. Minho sat there bewildered and flustered, heart beating 100 miles a minute. Fuck, Minho thought as he bit his lip to hold back a moan. "Hyung.." Jisung whined as he grinded himself on the older, still kissing Minho on his neck, forming hickeys. His hands roamed towards his stomach, tracing his defined abs. 

"Jisung," Minho said in a low tone, "Can you stop." 

Jisung leaned back to face the older with wide eyes. 

"I-I'm sorry. I w-went too far didn't I. Did you n-not like it.." Jisung said in a shaky voice. 

Minho quickly smashed their lips together, putting his tongue in when Jisung gasped at the older's sudden action. He then parted from Jisung, who was trying to catch his breath. 

"Baby, I liked it, a lot, don't worry," Minho reassured as he cupped Jisung's face like it was something fragile. "Soon babe, soon," Minho said as he rubbed Jisung's cheek with his thumb, staring at Jisung with love in his eyes, which the younger reciprocated. "I want you so bad, but right now," Minho picked Jisung up and carried him over to his bed, "right now you need some rest, don't want to be sleepy on our date, right?" 

After he placed Jisung down on the bed, he picked up Jisung's textbook and the loose pieces of paper on the ground, placing it on the desk for him. 

"Min!" Jisung exclaimed with a pouty face, making grabby hands towards the older. The older was about to get in his own bed, 


"Cuddles!" Minho softly smiled at the younger's cute antics, a smile that reached his eyes. His soft side is so adorable, don't let anyone else see you like this Jisung. 

"Anything for you." Minho replied as he got into bed with the younger. He was holding Jisung who fell fast asleep, quietly snoring. 

Minho stared at him fondly. "Jisung, I love you," Minho whispered as he placed a kiss onto Jisung's forehead before drifting to sleep as well.

okay so do i write smut..... do i do it.... tell me what you think I should do :D

also thank you to anyone who's still reading <3

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