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"Ding dong!"

Minho had a confused expression on his face as he opened his dorm room door, only to be met by a boy with light pink hair.

"Ah, of course it's you. Why didn't you, you know, knock like a normal person?"

"Since when did you take me for a normal person?" Felix replied. "Anyways? Is Jisung here?"

"Nope. Why didn't you just text him?"

"Oh...I forgot to!" Felix giggled. "I'll take my leave then." Felix said, but just as he turned around, he got dragged into Minho's dorm.

"What was that for mate?"

"Oh.. umm. I have a question...about Jisung."

"Aren't you literally his roommate and best friend?"

"You're his friend too! Just tell me, did Jisung ever mention that he liked someone?" Minho asked, sounding a little bit desperate.

"You know he clearly likes you right hyung?"

"Stop messing around Felix!" Minho whined.

"What makes you say that?"

"He dated Hyunjin, and I think that Jisung really liked him. That he still likes him." Minho's voice faltered at that last part.

"Oh yeah, he told me about how they talked yesterday in bio." Felix said, not properly answering Minho.

"So..he still likes him huh?"

"He said that he liked Hwang more as a friend than anything. He isn't really boyfriend material after all."

"Do you think he's over him then?" Minho asked, hopefully.

"He seemed okay in class today. You're asking a lot of questions hyung, why don't you just ask him, you live with the guy! Wait, why do you even want to know, do you like him?!" Felix said dramatically.

"Ya! I'm just looking out for Ji okay?"

"Ji? Cute! You guys even have nicknames for each other." Just as Minho was pusing Felix out of the dorm, seeing that he got all the information he could get out of the Australian, Jisung entered.


"Jisung! I was looking for you!"

"Then why were you in my dorm with Minho hyung?"

"Ah, just catching up." Felix replied as he wrapped an arm around Minho.

"You guys seem awfully close." Jisung muttered quietly, a trace of jealousy in the small voice.

"Anyways, I needed to talk to you about Hyunjin's birthday party! You're coming right? We have to figure out how to surprise him!" Felix beamed.

That boy again, Minho scoffed internally. The information Felix provided him earlier wasn't enough to calm the older's heart. Minho needed to ask him for himself. Not right now though.

"Okay, let's go to the cafe downstairs. Minho, do you want to come with?"

"Sure, let me just grab my coat." With that, the three boys headed downstairs.

"It's cold today." Jisung shivered, despite being indoors. He then felt a warmth in his left hand, soon realizing it belonged to Minho. The younger smiled to himself, whilst the three continued to walk towards the cafe. The two roommates left Felix to get their coffees as they chose a table, sitting side by side. Their hands were still connected and neither of them were letting go.

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