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This is ridiculous, we haven't talked in days.

Minho came to the conclusion that drastic times call for drastic measures and started to search the dorm room for all the post-its they owned. Grabbing a sharpie, Minho started scribbling on them, placing them all over the bathroom mirror. Hopefully he gets the memo.

Jisung returned to his dorm, expecting to have to face his roommate. When he found out the dorm was empty, he unconsciously let out a sigh of relief. I really need to talk to him soon, I can't just keep on avoiding him.

Jisung entered the bathroom, only to see the mirror plastered with post-its. Each post-it had a letter on it; it spelled out 'Please give me a chance'. The younger giggled at the older's desperateness and cheesiness. At this point, his bitter feelings toward Minho have settled down. He was still deeply hurt from the older's actions as Jisung did like him.

Did? Do I still like him? Ahh I'll just get my heart broken again...but I can't deny that I still have feelings. Fuck, why is my heart so stupid?

Jisung saw a post-it that had a message inscribed on it, unlike the others that only had one letter.

"Please meet me at the cafe downstairs at 7:00. I'll be waiting for you."


Ahhh do I go? He's been waiting for 15 minutes now, maybe more. Maybe he already left? Jisung debated.

Minnie <3:

your coffees getting cold. i got you your favorite. please come, it'll take just a few minutes

Jisung saw the text that appeared on his phone. He debated on whether to respond. Whilst he was in the texting interface, he scrolled through all the messages that never got a response.

Minnie <3:

ji, where are you

can we please talk? im sorry about yesterday, just let me explain

it was a mistake i swear. im so sorry. please let me explain ji.

at least eat the soup in the fridge. please

can we talk

where are you? its already 11:40 its too late for you to be out. im worried

you cant keep avoiding me, please

your coffees getting cold. i got you your favorite. please come, itll take just a few minutes

Ah, I gotta change that..

Change contact name to Minho?

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