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"Hyung!" Jisung exclaimed when he awoke to the feeling of wet lips on his neck. Jisung squirmed as his face became red, feeling butterflies in his stomach. 

"Hm?..What is it..Ji?" Minho said in between his kisses that traced Jisung's jaw and neck. 

"You're gonna leave a mark Min.." Jisung whined, but he made no attempts pushing the older away. 

"Good." Minho simply said, leaving one last kiss on Jisung's lips. 

Before Jisung could react to what just happened, Minho was already up, leaving the bed. It's so cold without him, Jisung thought. He winced when he touched the places where Minho kissed, heart still beating fast. 

Jisungs eyes trailed to Minho, who had been looking into the fridge. He brought out a cheesecake and an iced americano and started walking towards Jisung. 

"Who was the cake for by the way? You never gave it to them, what a waste of a perfectly good cheesecake!" the younger exclaimed, pouting. 

Minho sat the cake down on the bed and patted the younger's head, "You, silly. It was for you." 

Jisungs eyes widened as the butterflies came back. "Min!" Jisung exclaimed as he tackled the older on the bed. Minho giggled, How can he be this adorable, the older thought. 

"I'm sorry, it might be stale. I can buy you another one if you'd like." 

"That's no excuse to trash a perfectly good cheesecake!" Jisung said as he took a slice, quickly shoving it into his mouth, "but I don't mind two cheesecakes!" 

"Yah, don't be greedy!" Minho retorted, making the younger giggle with his mouthful, his appearance resembling that of a squirrel. 

Jisung blushed when he noticed Minho just staring at him eat with eyes that were so full of adoration. 

"Do you want some hyung?" Jisung mumbled, cheesecake still in his mouth. 

"No thanks, I don't really like cheesecake, it's all for you Ji." Minho responded. 

"Tasteless." Jisung said when he was finished chewing. 

"I buy you a cake and you call me tasteless?!" Minho said as he held both hands to his heart, feigning offence. 

"I'm kidding Min!" Jisung said as he enveloped the older in a hug. They stayed in each other's embrace for a while until Minho said, "Ah, I got you coffee as well, it might not taste the best either." Jisung averted his gaze from Minho to the coffee that was on the desk. 

"Was it from the other day? When you said to meet up at the cafe.."

 "You saw the note then...why didn't you come?" Minho quietly asked, playing with the younger's fingers. 

"I did," Jisung confessed, "I was just too scared to face you." 

"I'm sorry Jisung, I regret everything." Minho said, looking at Jisung with sincere eyes. 

"I mean I had no right to be hurt, we aren't even together.." Jisung said, almost whispering the last part. He looked down at their intertwined hands. 

"But I still hurt your feelings! Your feelings are important Ji, they're important to me." Jisung looked back up, then cupped Minho's face in his hands, thumb brushing over his soft lips. He looked into Minho's eyes, "Date." Jisung stated.

Minho tilted his head in confusion, which Jisung found adorable. 

"It's Tuesday?" 

"No silly, let's go on a date," Jisung giggled in response. Minho looked at Jisung with surprised eyes as his face started to blush. His lips then turned into a wide smile. 

"Okay, when!" Minho said excitedly, staring at Jisung with stars in his eyes. How can I not fall for him, Jisung thought. 

"Hmmmm, how about right now!" 

Minho smiled, but his smile soon disappeared when he remembered it was a school night. "But we have class tomorrow, and we already missed today's classes," Minho pouted. 

"Saturday?" Jisung questioned. 

Minho enthusiastically nodded his head, "Saturday." 

"Can't wait." Jisung said smiling.

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