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Jisung's head pounded as he sat in biology. He barely remembered the events from yesterday, except the part where he walked in on Hyunjin, that scene was all too clear in his memory.

"For example, birds initiate a mating call in order to attract the attention of a mate and they puff out their chests to showcase their attraction when they do find a mate." the professor informed.

"So birds can fuck but I can't.?" Jisung murmured as he rested his head on his desk, his headache too unbearable to pay any more attention to the lecture.

"What the fuck are you talking about." Felix, Jisung's friend who sat next to him, inquired.

"Leave me alone." Jisung dismissed, as he continued to suffer with his headache all throughout the class period.

Jisung stumbled into his dorm room. He was about to fall, when someone caught his fall. Jisung looked up and saw Minho's face, inches away from his. Growing flustered, he quickly got up on his own two feet.

"Ah, thanks Min."

"You good? Still got a headache?" the older looked at Jisung worriedly.

"Yeah, but it's better now though."

"Here, I brought you some hangover soup. Eat it before it gets too cold." Minho said as he set the soup on Jisung's desk. Their dorm was too small for a dinner table, heck, they didn't even have a kitchen.

"Thank you." Jisung said sincerely.

He felt bad how much he depended on the older, he was always there to take care of him. He'd make such a good boyfriend, Jisung thought. Wait, Minho's my friend, not to mention he's my roommate. He shooed away the thought quickly. After Jisung finished his soup, he stood in front of the mirror, scowling at his appearance.

Disgusting, he thought.

Beautiful, he thought. Minho admired the boy who stood in front of the mirror.

"Today, we learned about birds mating in bio. They do this mating call thing, do you think that would work?" Jisung asked.

"Jisung, what are you going on abou-"

"SOMEONE FUCK ME!" Jisung exclaimed.

Minho mentally facepalmed at his roomate. "Ji, that's not how it works."

"They also puffed out their chest, do you think if I did that too," Jisung said as he started to unbutton his shirt, slowly revealing his entire chest, "that I'd get a mate?"

Minho furiously blushed at the scene, covering his eyes with his hands, but secretly leaving a gap so he can see the younger still.

"Min you get shy so easily." Jisung giggled. He started to approach the older, who was currently curled up in his bed with his hands covering his face. Minho's breath stopped as he saw Jisung approach through the gaps of his fingers.

"Do you, perhaps, like me?" Jisung joked as he hovered over Minho, his chest still exposed.

"Ji, put a shirt on." Minho said as if he wasn't affected by the younger's current state at all.

"Make me." the younger teased.

When was he ever this playful? Minho remembered Jisung as his friendly roommate, not this horny teenager. He didn't mind his current situation yet he didn't want the younger to act so reckless to every guy he sees. Hwang really changed him huh?

"Fine." Minho said, mustering up the courage to reach out and button Jisung's shirt up for him.

Jisung's breath hitched, he was not expecting the older to act this way. He was aware that the older was no stranger to romance himself, he's been briefly informed of his past relationships, but he's never seen it in person. He certainly did not expect he'd be the one experiencing this side of Minho himself. As Minho fumbled with the buttons, obviously flustered, Jisung started laughing.

"W-what!" Minho said, trying to button his shirt up even quicker.

"You seem nervous Min." Jisung whispered into Minho's ear, causing the latter to redden.

Ah, that nickname again. It never failed to make Minho feel something. What is Jisung doing to him? What even is their relationship, considering their current positions. Should I just go for it? I don't think he dislikes me, I'd treat him better than Hwang ever did, Minho reasoned.

"Not at all, Han." Minho said expressionlessly, looking up at Jisung as he finished the last button, hands still on the collar of his shirt.

"Han? Why'd you call me that Minho?" Jisung challenged him even further, a smirk evident on his face.

"Shut up." Minho scoffed.

"Make me." Jisung said, just as he did before. He wanted to see what the older would do. Surely he's at his limit, right?

Sensing the older's hesitations, Jisung was ready to get up, not until the older connected his lips with him, pulling on his collar as he leaned into the kiss. Jisung froze. Minho took his lack of response as a negative sign, quickly regretting his rash decision to kiss his roommate. In a flash, Minho pulled away and got up, sprinting towards the door. He planned to at least. He felt Jisung yank his wrist back, harshly, pulling him onto the bed as Jisung planted a deep kiss onto Minho's lips.

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