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The two entered the bathroom, lips never leaving each other. As Minho captured Felix's lips, he couldn't help but think about Jisung. Oh how he wished the lips he was kissing was his. Minho needed a distraction, something to fill the void the younger left in him when he saw the younger with Hwang. The older felt somewhat guilty for having his lips on someone that wasn't Jisung, but it's not like Jisung was keeping his lips to himself anyways. We're not even together, there's nothing wrong with what I'm doing. He already rejected me anyways, Minho thought sadly whilst pushing more of himself onto Felix. He needed more, he wanted to forget Jisung, but as he lifted Felix onto the counter and pressed their bodies together, he could only imagine that it was Jisung he was being this intimate with. Minho's lips graced the boy's neck and he quickly started sucking, but this only reminded him of when he had his head in the crook of Jisung's neck the other day.

All he could think of was Jisung.

"Seungminnie!" Hyunjin exclaimed as he engulfed the boy in a hug.

"God Hwang, how much did you have to drink?" Seungmin complained.

"I love you!" Hyunjin said, ignoring Seungmin's question.

"Yeah, sure you do." Seungmin said, not taking the boy seriously.

They'd been on and off for 7 months now, mainly because Hwang can't keep his hands to himself. Seungmin never liked his antics obviously, but he could never leave the older and move on because in all honesty, he loved Hyunjin. He felt something special with the older, and when they were together, it felt right. So right. He hoped the older felt the same, he thought that he started falling in love with him as well, but that proved to be false when Hyunjin called it quits all of a sudden. He was quick to hook up with others though. But just as he was quick to start going for other people, he was just as quick to come back to Seungmin. He always ended up back with Seungmin, hence their on and off relationship. The whole duration of their relationship, neither bore the words "I love you". They never even exchanged 'ily's' over text, so the fact that Hyunjin was exclaiming this to Seungmin on the night of his birthday came as a shock to the younger.

"I do Seungmin." Hyunjin said, a little more softly, a little more seriously.

"You can't expect me to take you seriously Hwang, you're drunk." Seungmin reasoned.

Hyunjin wrapped both hands around Seungmin's neck, "But I'm serious. I was always too afraid to tell you how I felt to the point where I broke up with you..this whole time Min, it's always been you."

Seungmin stood there shook, unsure how to handle the newfound information. Was Hyunjin actually serious? Was the drunk just spouting nonsense?

"You're not making sense, you even kissed Jisung tonight!" Seungmin retorted, denying what Hyunjin was telling him.

"I'm sorry I keep doing that Min...it's only to distract myself."

"Distract yourself from what?"

"You. From you Seugmin." Hyunjin said in a serious tone.

Seungmin glanced at Hyunjin's eyes, they were half lidded, reminding the younger that he was indeed drunk, but despite his state, he could only see sincerity in them.

"Why tell me this now?" Seungmin said, sounding defeated.

"You see, I'm not in my right mindset right now Min, so it's easier this way. I don't think I can take your rejection if I was confessing to you fully sober." Hyunjin admitted. "Also, I'd like to believe that you wouldn't try and leave me on my birthday. You..you were what I wished for after all.."


"Mhmn." Hyunjin said, burying himself into the crook of the younger's neck. "So..if you could just stay with me for tonight...I know I don't deserve it, for everything I've put you through for the past couple months, I was just too scared to give all of myself to you. Giving yourself all to one person is scary Min. It's vulnerable and I don't like being vulnerable. I figured it was easier to fuck around so that I didn't have to face you honestly."

Seungmin had trouble taking everything the older was admitting to him in, but he chose to finally return the hug.

"But I guess I failed at that as well since I keep coming back to you. I think now is finally the time to be honest with how I really feel, to be honest with you. A simple sorry won't fix it, fix us, but..I'm sorry Min. All I'm asking for is one more night, and then...you can leave." Hyunjin said desperately, sadly.

After a long pause, Seungmin responded, "Who said I'd want to leave?" shocking the older.

Their eyes met again, Hyunjin's slightly watery. Seungmin cupped the boy's face in his hands, using his thumb to wipe the tears that started to roll down Hyunjin's cheeks. Seungmin looked intently into the older's eyes, seeing only love in them, and it was at that moment the younger got closer and connected their lips. "I've always loved you Hwang."

Jisung had already finished his 5th glass that night. He was going to ask for another but he really needed to use the bathroom. Unfamiliar with the setting, Jisung got up to find Hyunjin to ask him where it was. He saw Hyunjin in the crowd, clearly busy with Seungmin. He'll find the bathroom on his own then. That hoe really ditched me. I went to his party only to be alone and drunk. Felix was supposed to be here—where was he? That was when he remembered that he did see Felix earlier tonight. He was with..Minho. Why were they here together, are they a thing? Felix never mentioned liking Minho and vice versa. Had both his friends really kept this a secret from him or something? I thought Minho liked...me. Maybe it's just some misunderstanding, I'll just be upfront with him tomorrow.

Jisung walked into a hallway and saw a room that looked to be the bathroom. He turned the handle of the doorknob, slowly opening the door.

Yeah, I'll just talk to him tomorrow. Everything is fine- That was Jisung's last thought before he saw the scene that unfolded in front of him.

Minho and Felix were fucking.


only minsung from this point on I swear. Seungjin in this chapter!!

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