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Smut in this chapter! 

"⚠️" where the smut starts and ends.

"Why do you look so happy, we're in an 8 am class," Felix questioned.

"Yah, can I not be happy?" Jisung eyed Felix.

"Not at 8 am you can't."

Jisungs phone vibrated which caused both Jisung and Felix to avert their attention to Jisung's phone.


babyy are you free this afternoon?<3


mhmn! why?


wanna spend time with u


my last class ends at 1:10, meet you at the dorms?


can't wait <3

"Who's texting you?" Felix said as he peered over Jisung's shoulder.

"Yah, stop being so nosy. It's nothing" Jisung retorted as he hid his phone under the desk.

"Why are you blushing then?" Felix teased with a smug look on his face.

Jisung scoffed and rested his head on his hand to try to cover the rosy tint that adorned his face.

"Ooo Jisung's got a lover, who is it?" Felix pestered, "Is it Minho," he said whispering.

Jisung only shyly nodded in response, a small smile forming from thinking about the older.

"Have you," Felix started, looking left and right to see if other classmates were listening, "Have you done it?"

"What no!" Jisung whisper yelled, gaining a few stares from surrounding classmates.

"Awh, lame."

Jisung pouted, "Was he good?" Jisung asked shyly, fiddling with his fingers, still somewhat upset that his best friend got with Minho before he did.

"Yo I don't remember anything, don't look so sad," Felix reassured, "But I do remember that he kept saying your name, which was weird."

"M-me?" Jisung stuttered, taken aback by what he just heard.

"Yeah man he's like whipped for you. He kept moaning your name, he was like-"

"Jisung! Jisung!"

Jisung was headed to his dorm before hearing someone call his name, causing him to turn around in the hallway. He saw a girl catching up to him. "Hey, uhm, you left this," she said, handing Jisung his biology textbook. 

"Oh thank you! Jisoo right?" (pls I just picked a random name)

"Y-yeah, I'm in your class, I sit right behind you." She said shyly. 

Jisung giggled, "I know. Well, thank you for the book, see you in class," Jisung said as started to turn around to go to his dorm. 

"Wait!" Jisoo said as she grabbed onto Jisung's wrist, preventing him from leaving. "I w-wanted to ask you for your number." 

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