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Minho stood right behind the door, not moving from where he embraced Jisung less than a minute ago. "Ughh Minho you're so stupid!" Minho scolded himself. He was about to return to his bed, in hopes he can sleep all his conflicting thoughts away, when he heard murmurs behind his door. Minho got closer to the door barely making out what was said.

"-the other day, I really didn't mean to hurt you!" he heard someone exclaim.

"Hwang, just don't hurt anymore people-" Their conversation was barely audible to Minho, who had difficulty listening in. "-it was all for fun, I knew that-" Minho decided to press his ear onto the door. "I really did like you Hwang-"

Minho seemed to tense at that last phrase. He didn't know what to think. Was that kiss just a rebound for Jisung? It really meant nothing huh? Minho hid in his covers before hearing anymore of the conversation, his vision getting blurry from the tears that started to form.

The door creaked open and Jisung entered the dorm shortly after he initially left. He heard faint sobs as he got closer to Minho, who was visibly hiding under the covers.

"Minnie! W-What's wrong?!" Jisung asked, worried.

"J-Jisung? I-I'm fine." Minho sniffled, failing to convince the other.

"Min, you can tell me anything, you know that. Why are you crying?" Jisung insisted.

The older didn't want to bother the boy with how he really felt. Jisung was never his. They were only friends. He was only having fun. He shouldn't take it too personally.

"Someone I like.." Minho confessed. He was lying to the younger, but wasn't very clear either.

"...Oh." Jisung responded, quite emotionlessly. He fucking likes someone? What was the kiss then? He was the one who started it! Jisung didn't know what to think or feel anymore. Today has been too much, and with that, the younger bid the older a quiet goodnight and slept on the bed adjacent to the older's.

Both boys went to sleep with broken hearts that night.

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