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"Get up!" Jisung was bouncing on the bed, waking Minho up from his sleep. 

"What time is it?" Minho said in his morning voice. 

"10, we're gonna be late!"

"Late to what?" 

"Our date!" Jisung replied, still bouncing on the bed from excitement. Minho sat up, "How can we be late to our own-" 

"Get up!" Jisung yelled at the older, shaking him back and forth as he was still groggy. 

"Ji, you get in the shower first, I'll prepare some things okay?" 

Jisung tilted his head, "Prepare things? Where are we going?" he inquired. 


"Tell me Min," Jisung said in a cute voice, trying to get the older to reveal his plans. 

"Nope, now get in the shower." 

"Hmph, fine!" Jisung waivered, storming off into the bathroom. 

This Jisung seemed completely different from the one he was used to, from the one he knew when they were only just friends. Nowadays, Jisung seemed more bright and playful, Minho loved how cute the younger would act around him. Minho got up from the bed and started packing their stuff, hoping that Jisung will enjoy where they'll be heading.

"Where are we going?" Jisung said as he swinged the hand that was interlaced with Minho's back and forth, conveying the younger's excitement.

"Babe, we're almost there," Minho replied as he squeezed Jisung's hand reassuringly.

"It smells like the ocean," Jisung observed.

"Then maybe we're at the beach."

"The beach! I love the beach," Jisung smiled brightly as he recalled all his good memories as a child going to the beach. He's glad that now Minho can be a part of those memories.

And I love you, Minho thought. "Me too, the beach is nice."

"I can't wait to swim, we're going swimming right Min? The water is nice this time of day, not too cold, and the sun's not too hot. How long are we- wait.." Jisung paused and stopped in his tracks.

"What's wrong Ji?" Minho asked, curious as to why the younger stopped.

"I didn't bring my swimming shorts," Jisung said as he looked at his outfit. He was in a t-shirt and jeans.

"That's why I packed everything for us here!" Minho said as he pointed to the bag he was carrying, which contained sunscreen, towels, and of course, Jisung's swimming shorts.

"Then what are we waiting for!" Jisung exclaimed as he dragged the older to the beach as it came in view. The weather was ideal that day, the sun was out but it wasn't blazing hot, the wind made for a nice breeze, and the water was cool but not too cold where it made it uncomfortable to swim in.

Jisung was trying to apply sunscreen on his back, desperately trying to cover every single spot as he didn't want to get sunburnt. "Can't.. reach"

Jisung felt hands on his bare back, massaging the sunscreen into his skin. "Ah, thanks." Jisung muttered. He then felt Minho's hand on his thigh. "UHM I can do that myself thank you very much," Jisung panicked as he started putting sunscreen on his legs. He heard Minho chuckle. Bitch thinks he can tease me every second of the day, god he's so touchy! I mean I like it but we're in public and-

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