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To say Minho was overwhelmed by the quick turn of events was an understatement, but soon the older replied to the kiss. As if his instincts had taken over, Jisung bit on Minho's bottom lips, asking for entrance, which the older gladly complied to. Their breaths started to sound more ragged as their lust for one another quickly took over. Minho's hands found his way up Jisung's chest and back onto his collar, he once again leaned into the kiss. Jisung, on the other hand, found his way to the older's waist where he gripped onto him tightly, so tight that if Minho wasn't so distracted he would have winced at the discomfort. Mind you this was Jisung's second kiss, he was still highly inexperienced, yet it felt so natural with Minho.

There was something in this kiss that the younger lacked to experience with Hwang. Was he just more comfortable his second time? Was he just more comfortable with his roommate? Wait, this was Minho, his roommate. At that thought, Jisung halted the kiss, catching his breath and thinking about what the fuck just happened. Minho seemed to catch his breath rather quickly; he too pondered about how they were going to face each other not only at the moment but in the future.

"Fuck." Jisung said, breaking the silence of the room, with the exception of their slight panting. Minho finally let go of Jisung's collar.

Should I ask him what we are? Should I confess? He did seem into it. At that thought, Minho's blush reappeared, yet he did remember this boy was simply horny, he probably would have made out with anyone who was willing to, considering the whole mating incident. Minho decided against it, right now wasn't the time. Or ever. He didn't want to ruin the boy as he did with past relationships. Minho never fell in love or anything, but it still hurt him, seeing how he was dumped in all his prior relationships for being too clingy and too rough when it came to things such as making out. He got close to losing his virginity, but always stopped before, realizing that he really did want to save his first time for someone he truly loved. He knew that none of his past lovers were the love of his life, so he chose to abstain. Minho was still debating whether he should even try to go for Jisung, afraid that he'll not only ruin their current relationship, if it wasn't already ruined, but that he'd also hurt the boy in the process. Minho saw an innocent boy, who's had his heart broken, and he didn't want to be the one to break the already shattered pieces.

"I mean..You did said 'Make me.'" Minho stated, eyes still averted from the younger who's position stayed the same, only inches away from the older.

"I guess I did. Sorry Min, I got too caught up. I..I hope that this means we're still friends, right? I didn't ruin anything did I?"

Minho's face fell. Still friends? What are you getting at Han Jisung? Stop playing with me, stop playing with my feelings. "Yeah, friends." Minho said, dejected, but forced a small smile as he looked up at Jisung.

The boy looked like he had stars in his eyes, as if he saw Minho as the most precious thing on earth. Jisung presented a whole gummy smile to the older, a smile that reached his eyes. I guess if I get to see him smile like this, I'm content with the label friends. The tension in the atmosphere seemed to lessen.

"Guess your mating call worked." Minho joked.

"I'm glad that I attracted a hot mate then." Jisung blurted out. Shit.

"Oh, Ji thinks I'm hot?" Minho wriggled his eyebrows.

"Ya! Shut up!"

"Make me." Minho challenged.

"Aight, Imma head out-"

"I'm kidding Ji!" Minho laughed, throwing a pillow at Jisung. The two laughed with each other, they never fail to have fun in each other's company, they felt like two halves to a whole.

As the laughter diminished, Minho seriously asked, "If..If it were someone else, would you still do it?" Minho knew better than to ask questions such as these, questions meant to reveal one's true feelings, yet he couldn't help it. He needed to make sure that he wasn't going to kiss every person he saw.

"Minho I'm not a wild animal, I was simply joking about the whole mating thing. I did want to have some fun this year but I want someone who'd give me a real relationship, not someone like Hwang.."

The younger's mood darkened at the thought of his ex. He wasn't in love or anything, he just felt super rejected, as if he wasn't enough for Hyunjin. But he should realize that this is Hyunjin's behavior, this is how he's always been, it's not him, it was Hwang. He was slowly coming to terms with that but was nonetheless saddened at the thought. Minho moved closer to Jisung and engulfed him in a hug. Jisung was initially surprised but accepted the hug, holding Minho by the hips.

"Ow!" Minho yelped.

"What's wrong Minnie?" Jisung worried.

"I-I think you gripped me there too hard, you know, when we.." Minho muttered as he looked down.

"OH! Um.. Sorry Min, I didn't mean to hurt you-" Jisung said, laughing it off.

"It's ok." Minho replied, quietly.


Jisung broke out of Minho's comfort to check the text he had just received. His countenance visibly darkened, a sight Minho hated seeing.

"It's Hyunjin." Jisung said smally.

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