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"Why're you so giddy today?" Felix questioned as Jisung giggled at his phone, before putting it in his pocket.

"Oh, nothing, just a text from Minni- Minho." Jisung corrected himself.

"You like him don't you?" Felix teased.

"I don't! He's my roommate for god's sake." Jisung retorted.

"I mean, he is hot." Felix said, trying to get a reaction out of the boy.

"You like him?" Jisung said, somewhat seriously.

"Hmm, maybe." Felix said in hopes of provoking Jisung. Seinsing the boy's tenseness, Felix reassured, "I'm kidding! I'm not gonna go for your guy."

"Ya! He's just a friend." Yeah, just a friend. With that, the lecture ended, Jisung staying a little bit longer than everyone else to organize his notes. The lecture hall was almost empty at this point as all the students quickly fled class, with the exception of some who stayed to ask the professor some questions. Jisung was zipping up his backpack when he heard footsteps approaching him.

"Minnie! What are you doing here?" Jisung asked. That was when Minho wrapped his hands around the younger's neck, engulfing him in a hug. "M-Minnie?" Jisung stuttered, flustered by their closeness. Despite being flustered, he returned the hug.

"You're going to the bakery now right, to get that guy's cake? I was wondering if I could come along." Minho said into the younger's ears.

"He has a name Min," Jisung giggled at the older's dislike towards Hyunjin, "Why'd you want to come along? Like being with me that much?" Jisung teased.

"I need something there as well!" Minho said excitedly.

"You seem more eager to go than me, let's go then." Jisung said, unwrapping his hands around Minho.

"One more minute." Minho whispered, hugging Jisung tighter.

"M-Min, there are people still here." Jisung said, very flustered at this point.

"Hmph fine!" Minho whined. He placed a quick kiss on Jisung's cheeks and scurried to the door of the lecture hall. "Coming?"

"Y-yeah." Jisung said as he put on his backpack, dazed from what just occurred.

Why was Minho acting like this? Sure, they'd always been pretty touchy with each other, casually holding hands and even cuddling at times, but Minho was extra touchy today. A kiss even! Albeit on the cheek.


"Yes, Ji?" Minho said cutely.

"May I ask why you're so touchy today?" Jisung inquired, as Minho was currently hugging his arm on their way to the bakery.

"Do you mind it?"

"Not at all, I'm just wondering." In fact, Jisung loved it, but it made the younger flustered. These previous days with Minho have made Jisung realize how much he liked the older. He'd never admit it though, he knows he'll only be let down. He decided that it was okay for them to stay like this, friends. This was enough for Jisung, at least he'd still be with the older, he'd still recieve his comforting touch from time to time. He's content with their current state.

The two took the subway, the nearest bakery being a few miles away from their campus. The train itself was packed, leaving Jisung and Minho to stand, smushed against the other people who were standing as well. Jisung saw a woman getting closer to Minho, quite intentionally. The woman's back faced Minho, her ass bumping into his front. Minho was quite shocked at his current position, not sure what to do. There was nowhere to move in the crowded train, yet this woman's ass was rubbing against his.. front. Before Minho did anything about his current situation, he felt two hands grab him by the waist, pulling him backwards. Now, his ass was the one against someone's front.

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