FOUR [Zeus]

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Zeus POV

I groaned and opened my eyes. Why wasn't I in my bed?

I looked down. I was bound and tied to a chair. What the heck? Who dares kidnap the king of the gods?

I saw a teenager pacing in front me. He had messy black hair, and looking at him gave me an unnerving feeling. He was tall but thin. He wore a black T-shirt, black leather jacket, grey jeans, and black boots. The only colour in his clothing was the thin, blood-red wristband he wore. Wow. That is so Hades-style. I mean, that guy had only ever worn black, grey and red. I was momentarily surprised that such a scrawny boy could manage to kidnap me.

"You're awake." The boy says. I acted as if I was still out. "Oh, save the act. I know you're awake, and you don't want me to harm you."

I opened my eyes. That was when I took a good look at his face. He had blood-red eyes, narrowed at me, analysing and calculating.

I willed my powers to teleport me to Olympus, or, well, away from my captor. It didn't work. My powers aren't working? That was new.

"Did you kidnap me?!!" I demanded.

"Well, no. Actually—"

I heard a groan. That was when I noticed another boy beside me. He had dark brown hair, and he wore a navy blue T-shirt with a wave design, along with shorts, and sneakers.

"What the heck—" The boy blinked and looked at me and the creepy boy. Then he saw his bonds.

"Did you literally just kidnap us?" He said, his eyes narrowing. He stared straight at the boy.

"No" the black-hair said with venom in his voice, like he was pissed.

Hah. I smirk. When he realises who I am, he would be kneeling, begging for my forgiveness.

"You see, we were captured by some crazy people, and so when I escaped I saved you two too. I will now remove your bonds, but no attacking, no running away, understood?" Black-hair continued. We both nodded.

And ran to the door as soon as he removed our bonds.

The brown-hair was frowning, his eyes focusing, but I didn't understand what was wrong.

"What do you want, kid? How can we believe that you didn't kidnap—"

I was interrupted by something bright. Fire. A small ball of fire had appeared on the floor. When it burned away, there was a note.

- - -☦︎︎- - -

Zeus, Poseidon, Hades,

You three are officially teenagers!

I [Hestia] am not really that mad anymore. Consider yourselves lucky, and remember to thank Demeter. She calmed me and persuaded me not to turn you to four-year-olds.

Anyway, I have enrolled you three in Goode High School, and you are required to attend. Check your pockets for your ID cards. Hades, take care of your brothers. You are the oldest.

Hera will run Olympus, Amphitrite will run Atlantis, and Persephone has agreed to help run the Underworld while you three are gone. Don't worry, they have things under control.

None of you will regain god-hood until you three get along. And no you are MORTAL and cannot use your powers.

School starts on Monday at eight. Don't be late!

Have fun! You needed the rest anyway.


Your sisters
Hera, Hestia, Demeter

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