SIX [Hades]

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Hades POV

The three of us arrived at the apartment a while later. I wasn't surprised when Zeus immediately began complaining.

"How the heck are we supposed to live in this teensy tiny space?!!" He kept yelling, "And that bed is a disgrace! That is tiny!"

Wanting to have some time alone, I said to Zeus, who was ranting, and Poseidon, who was looking around his room, "I'll be in my room. I want some time alone."

"Yeah yeah, you're always alone." I heard Poseidon grumble. I threw him a look and stalked off into my own room.

To be honest, it wasn't really that small at all, Zeus was just exaggerating stuff, since he'd always had his own living quarters, with a ball room [very unnecessary] , music room [not that he knew how to sing or play an instrument], dining room [with a table that has 30 seats], TV room [to watch Hephaestus TV, of course, not that he has time, mind you] and so on.

My room was decorated in a dark theme. The floor was black marble, the bed, worktable, chairs, and bookshelves were all decorated in hues of grey and black, with the occasional blood-red. The room was elegant, and really beautiful. There was my mark, a half-circle wrapping another circle, with a '+' at the bottom, and in some places there were scull marks and jewel marks, like at the corner of my table and bed.

I sighed heavily and collapsed in my plush and comfortable bed.

- - -☦︎︎- - -

The next two days were boring and dull.

Hera, Hestia and Demeter appeared to us on the first day after our incident.

Hera was yelling into Zeus' ear. Literally. Listing out rules while he was mortal. "No girls. No pranking. No bullying..." that was to say, a very long list.

Demeter was lecturing me and Poseidon on how we must finish ten boxes of cereal a day.

Hestia was in the centre of it all, frowning and sighing a lot.

And Aphrodite, our dearest sister, chose to visit right at that time. "You three must be bored!!! I know just what to do!" She stood up from her place on the couch.

Hera, Hestia and Demeter, knowing what was coming, immediately teleported away. The three of us groaned, knowing exactly what she was going to suggest.


I banged my head on the wall.


Poseidon ran into the toilet to get water to dump onto the goddess.

"SHOPPING!!!" Aphrodite squealed. Zeus threw pillows at the goddess. The rest of us started groaning and whining, the last thing we needed was a whole-day shopping trip with the goddess of beauty.

- - -☦︎︎- - -

"NOOOOOOOOO" That was Zeus.



From the clothes sections in the mall, came the sound of three suffering gods.

"Can we please please please please goooo?" I begged. I was so desperate that I was thinking of getting down on my knees.

"Not until you find something decent to wear!!! Do you plan on wearing BLACK FOR THIS WHOLE TIME?!!" I grumbled, "yes"

"Well THEN I THINK NOT!" Aphrodite retorted and pointed back to the cloth racks, "choose." She crossed her arms, like it was final.

I grabbed the nearest shirt. It was hot pink, decorated with rainbow-coloured heart sequins. It looked ridiculous, but it was totally Aphrodite-style. "Is this good enough?"

Aphrodite considered for a while, tilting her head and humming as her eyes ran over the shirt. I was getting impatient. She's looked up at my irritated expression and flashed a white-teethed smile, "no"

Then she enjoyed the sight of me banging my head against the cloth rack.

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