EIGHT [Zeus]

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Zeus POV






No kidding.

She was probably the scariest girl ever. Probably not as worse than Hera when she was mad, but almost there, for me anyway.

I had to sit through Algebra with her beside me, and I was freaking out the whole time. My mind ran through the thousands and thousands of ways Thalia could find out that I was Zeus. If Thalia already hated me this much as a mortal teenager, then letting her know my real identity would be...very bad.

Thalia didn't bother to listen to the teacher, or pay attention, she was probably just here to recruite girls into the Hunt, anyway. Therefore, Thalia spent the whole lesson glaring at me, Hades and Poseidon.

Poseidon was too busy watching his little Percy's every single movement, like Percy would disappear if he looked away. Hades looked bored, twirling his black ball pen in his right hand, with his head set on his left hand. Me? I was too busy counting down the minutes until the next class, when I could get away from Thalia's glare. Her eyes were a stormy blue, and sparks of electricity sparkled around her fingertips, like she was tempted to strike me down with a lighting bolt. Gods. Why did children have to be so hard? After all, her surname was Grace, why couldn't she act more, like, gracefully and nicely?

When the bell rang, I dashed out of the classroom, relieved. I watched at the door as Hades got up slowly, and Poseidon talked to Percy. I waited for the two, but it felt like it took hours for them to get to the door and by the time they did, I was jittery and anxious to get as far away as possible from Thalia. She didn't seem as scary when I was a god, and now I felt more like a 16-year-old, awkward, nervous teenager than a five-thousand-year-old, experienced king of the gods.

The next two classes, Maths and Language, I had to suffer with Hades. Naturally, we chose Greek for Language, which was a very bad choice, because unfortunately for me, the demigods were also in that class. Of course they were, they were Greek demigods after all. Hades looked a bit disappointed when Nico weren't in any of our morning classes.

Miraculously, I survived the morning.

At lunchtime, the three of us were about to sit down at an empty table, when Percy came over and invited us to the "demigod table" [thats what I call it, anyway]

Turns out, Poseidon had made friends with Percy. I wasn't surprised, even though he was a little stubborn sometimes, Poseidon was out-going, nice, friendly, and funny when he wasn't mad. Besides, he'd always had a good relationship with Percy as a god.

"Dylan, Zayden and Asher." Percy introduced us to the demigods. Poseidon said a cheerful "hi everyone", I waved, and Hades nodded. The demigods smiled politely.

Poseidon immediately took the seat on Percy's left, and poked fun of him when Annabeth kissed Percy's cheek. Hades sat at the end of the table, that was to say, beside Nico Di Angelo. The two sat concealed in the shadows and ate quietly, a bit farther from everyone else. I was once again forced to sit beside Thalia. Heavens help me.

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