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Hades POV

Oh my fucking god. They are BRINGING US TO CAMP.

Has Annabeth gone crazy? I thought daughters of Athena always planned carefully before taking action. Randomly accusing us for demigods wasn't really a wise, or carefully planned action. Though she did have the whole last night after the incident, so she might have thought that out.


I sighed for the hundredth time that day as Annabeth dragged a grumbling Zeus to Camp Half-Blood. It's close. We were camping at Long Island, near Camp, after all.

I hadn't been to Camp in ages. The demigods there don't particularly like me, after all. God of the dead and all. My thoughts snap back to reality when I hear Zeus yell.

"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO KIDNAP US." He was thrashing a lot, and Annabeth held his shirt collar. She looked very annoyed.

Poseidon seemed to have accepted defeat, and walked silently beside the two. He bent down and whispered something to Zeus.

I trailed behind them, with a few demigods behind me. The rest were tidying up our camp.

Percy, Nico, Thalia. And a few more we're behind me, chatting in hushed whispers. I caught snips of their conversation, "Hades, I bet Asher is Hades'."

"You think Dylan is Poseidon's? He has Percy's eyes."

Great. And they've guessed that too.

We stepped into Camp. I kept my act, "this is the camp you're talking about." I pretend to look around curiously. Poseidon and Zeus mimics me.

Annabeth gave us a tour of Camp. "Being a demigod, means one of your parents are gods." Blah blah blah. She talked about the usual boring stuff. Stuff that would've been fascinating for newcomers, but which bored me to death. Because despite not being here for a long time, I still hear reports on Camp, visions I get from deceased demigods... I still know a lot about it, and am familiar with it.

- - -☦︎︎- - -

Naturally, the three of us end up in Hermes cabin. Of course, who would claim us, anyway.

As I sat on my bed, I laughed to myself. Hestia was probably laughing at the three of us right now, along with the other gods.

Big Three stuck in Camp Half-Blood. Yeah. Best headline of the year.

We were unlucky enough to have arrived on the day of Capture the Flag. Yay.

Percy was really popular in Camp indeed. Both sides wanted to have him on their team. Of course. He was the best swordsman in Camp, after all.

Percy was leader in one team, Clarisse from Ares leader of the other. Hermes cabin persuaded Percy to let them join his team, what with Connor and Travis' master skills at traps and tricks. Sadly, they kicked out the people they "didn't like" or "weren't good enough" to join Clarisse. That included the three of us.

I was slightly, no, really offended. Then again, it wasn't them who had seen the three of us practise. Of course, a cabin was a cabin, and they couldn't just kick us out, so we stayed in Percy's team.

The big three, being in our fighting class, knew our skills well enough. Well, our fake skills. I didn't think they noticed that our stumbling and tripping were all fake, and they probably thought we were the worst possible fighters in Camp. Even worse than maybe the Apollo healers or something, no offence.

Immediately, the demigods made us go to border patrol. Annabeth and Percy gave us an apologetic smile. I shrugged. I smiled as the memory of Percy Jackson's fist Capture the Flag in Camp floated into my mind. Underestimated by everyone. Turns out to be the star of the camp.

"Just look around for the other team. They won't go that way, so your job is easy." Travis Stoll instructed us. Then he shooed us away.

Didn't even let us listen to their plan. Zeus grumbled.

Clarisse's team, of course, didn't know that the three of us were on border patrol.

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