SEVENTEEN [Poseidon]

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Poseidon POV

The competition was a disaster, but I still had fun on the first day at Camp.

We had barbecue for dinner. The demigods knew how to eat, like seriously. The food was delicious. After dinner and campfire, we all went to our own tents and collapsed. The three of us were weary from our... rather interesting competition during the day.

"So, bro, still think Camp is boring?" I nudged Zeus teasingly. We had finished dinner, and the three of us were lying in our tent. "Yes." Zeus said, though in the dark, I could see he was smiling.

"Just admit it Zeus, you think it's fun, don't you?" Hades said, and put his hands behind his head.

"I don—"

"Guys?" Annabeth poked her head through the tent flaps. We all sat up and turned towards her. "Just came here to check on you guys." She said.

"Um, and why were you calling him Zeus?" She asked.

My mouth formed an "o", and, sadly, I momentarily lost my ability to speak. Zeus froze beside me. Hades was the first to reply, "ah. We like calling Zayden Zeus. It's a nickname, that's all." Me and Zeus bobbed our heads up and down repeatedly like crazy. Annabeth raised her eyebrows and turned away.

- - -☦︎︎- - -

The next day we chilled and hung out with the demigods, played games, and chatted. It was fun, actually. The three of us had the best time ever since we were turned into mortals.

At night, we lay in our tent. We weren't sleepy, so we chatted while everybody else were asleep. We whispered stories of when we were young. Stories of our arguments before, which sounded ridiculous, looking back. Times when we angered our wifes. It was midnight, when Zeus suggested we go to the lake together. Instinctively, we all grabbed our weapons and sneaked out.

This would be fun, I thought.

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