NINE [Hades]

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Hades POV

The moment I saw Nico at lunch, my mind went uh oh.

He was thin. So, so thin from the last time I'd seen him. He looked paler than usual, if that was even possible. He was sitting at the end of the table, scooting away from everybody else as if trying to disappear into the shadows. I could understand that. Every time I was at Olympus, I tried to get as little attention as possible, and only spoke when necessary. His black eyes were studying me, Zeus, and Poseidon. He threw me a frown.

After being introduced, Poseidon sat beside Percy Jackson, and I went over to sit with Nico. Poor Zeus was forced to sit with Thalia, who glared at him.

"" I said to Nico. He looked towards me, and tilted his head.

"Um... I'm Asher, uh, it's nice to meet you" I held out a hand, and he stared at it with a strange expression, like he was deciding wether or not to shake it. That was when I remembered that he didn't like physical contact, how stupid could I be to have forgotten? I took away my hand, "right. Um. Sorry"

He gave me a confused look, like what? And that was when I remembered that I wasn't supposed to know that he hated physical contact aghhhh.

"I'm Nico. Nico Di Angelo." Nico said to me. I nod.

He stared at the rest of the demigods. Poseidon was chatting with Percy. Leo was listening to Annabeth rant about whatever Athena children talk about, while building a small machine in his hand, pulling bits of metal and nails from his magic tool belt. Then Annabeth pushed Leo and he yelped, and crashed into Thalia, who gave him an amused look. Zeus was laughing at Poseidon, who had a piece of seaweed on his head. The look on Poseidon's face was priceless. Percy was rolling on the floor and clutching stomach from laughing so hard.

"They look so happy." Nico suddenly says.

"What?" I was confused.

"That they're together, enjoying their time with their friends." he said softly. There was a wistful sadness in his voice.

"Well, you could always go chat or play with them."

"Well, why don't you, then?" He looks at me.

I don't know. Maybe because I just feel like I don't fit in. Like I'll never fit in. Like I was born to be the outcast. The person nobody wanted anything to do with. Nobody wanted to talk to me, or go near me. Not even my siblings, before. I was always lonely, I was used to it. I think.

I must have said it out loud, because Nico stared at me with understanding. "Exactly, I-I feel like that too. So now you know why I don't hang out with the others, and why I'm lonely and friendless" he says softly. His black eyes were clouded with sadness. He gave me a sad smile.

I tried for a smile, "Well then, I can be your friend. The two lonely boys become friends, I have a feeling that won't be so bad."

And he gave me a smile. I'd never seen him smile in front of me when he was in the Underworld, and I was glad to see him happy.

"Friends?" I ask, holding up a hand.

"Friends." He says. His smile widened, and he shook my hand.

- - -☦︎︎- - -

"What were you two doing? The ghost king and the death king, sitting together." Zeus asked as we headed home after school.

"And he shook your hand! That was something even Percy couldn't do after Bianca!!! Wow, Hadie, I mean, wow!" Poseidon chimed in annoyingly.

"First off, don't call me Hadie, or death king. Unless you want to be called fish head."

"Aww" Poseidon widened his eyes and gave me a sad look.

"Second" I gave Poseidon a glare, "I just said hi to him, shaking hands is a very normal gesture, okay?"

"Nope." Zeus said, "to Nico, no it is not"

"Hadie come onnn. What did you say to Nico? I AM MAKING IT MY LIFE GOAL TO MAKE FRIENDS WITH NICO" Poseidon whined like a kid. I threw my hands up in the air in disgust.

When we got home, Zeus and Poseidon crashed on the couch and started snoring. Typical Poseidon and Zeus. I mean, what did I expect? For them to do their homework and be 'good little kiddos'?

I sighed and went into my room to do my homework.

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