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Rachel frowned to herself as she woke up to knocking at the door. She looked to see it was six in the morning, it was early, to early for her liking. She walked to the door and answered the door as she saw two police officers and frowned

"what is going on?" Rachel asked

"miss mason, we are here over your daughter Megan, there has been an issue. Her father has been killed and you are the only parent she has" a police officer said as Rachel looked to them and frowned. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her head was a mess

"where is she?"

"She is at the hospital, we would like to bring you to see her" an officer said as Rachel looked to them and nodded. Rachel was in shock as she listened over what had happened to Megan

"of course" Rachel said. Rachel l had no idea over what Megan had been going through and how her ex had been abusing Megan since she was ten. Rachel thought that she was doing what was best for Megan by sending her to leave with her father. She was never there for

Megan and she thought that she was doing the right thing but little did Rachel know what Megan had been going through and how she wasn't the same girl that she knew because of the abuse she had been through

Rachel got the hospital. She walked through the hallway as she lead to where Megan was. She looked to her daughter and frowned as she saw the state that Megan was in. She was sitting with a social worker

"Megan" Rachel said as she walked over and hugged her fidgeted. Megan looked up at her with tears in her eyes as she didn't say a word. She was terrified. Rachel saw a bruise on Megan's face and frowned

"what happened?" Rachel asked "she won't talk, I think she's suffering from traumatic stress, she seems to be shutting everything off. She hadn't excepted what happened" a doctor said as Rachel frowned. Rachel knew that she needed to be strong for Megan and be the parent that she needed.

She knew Megan had been through a lot and she knew that she needed to get to the bottom of what had happened. Rachel knee that Megan needed her

"it's all going to be okay, I promise" Rachel said as Megan smiled slightly "do the police know what happened?" Rachel asked

"no, but they think Megan knows more than she lets on" the social worker said as Rachel looked to Megan and smiled

Rachel smirked as she looked to Megan as she got home. She looked to her daughter and smiled "are you okay?" Rachel asked "no" Megan said as Rachel smiled

"I know that you don't want to talk over what happened but it's okay, you can talk to me. Or not, but I'm here" Rachel said as Megan looked up at her with tears in her eyes

"you sent me there" Megan said as Rachel sighed "I'm sorry, I don't know what happened but the police thing that your dad had a fight with his girlfriend. I thought I was doing the best for you. You can tell me if she killed him, your allowed to grieve him. He is your father" Rachel said as Megan looked to her and shock her head

"no, I don't want to. I can't care, i don't care that he is dead. I don't know what happened. I wasn't there" Megan said as Rachel looked to her and nodded.

Rachel couldn't help but worry as she listened to what Megan said and how Megan said she didn't care if her father was dead. But Rachel had no idea how Megan was lying over not being there.

Megan knew exactly what had happened


Rachel stood in the kitchen. She was trying to make Megan Something to eat. Megan wasn't herself and Rachel wanted to be there for her.

Rachel has enrolled her at Waterloo road. She knew she wanted normality for Megan but Rachel had no idea how Megan's life was never going to be normal again.

Megan had gone through something so traumatic and it was caused because of the abuse of her father but Rachel had no idea how Megan was about to go off of the rails big time

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