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Adam turned to see Leigh standing there. Max Tyler behind her. He got up off of Megan. "This isn't what it looks like. She came onto me," he said.

Megan was on the floor crying. Leigh ran over to her and pulled her up into her arms. "It's okay. I got you," she said.

Megan sobbed into her. She couldn't stop the tears. Leigh turned to Max. "I swear to god. If you don't get rid of him, I'm walking from this place today. And she comes with me," she spat as she walked off with her sister.

Max turned to look at Adam. He glared. "Your time is up here. I hope you know that."

"Good luck proving I did anything."

"I walked in on you. About to rape a young child. You're done for," Max said as he turned and walked off.

Adam stood there. He knew he had to turn it round. To make it look like Megan was the one who initiated everything.

Megan was sitting in Leigh's classroom. She was shaking. Leigh held her close. "It's going to be okay. I promise you."

"H-He tried to rape me. In school," she sobbed as she looked to her.

Leigh sighed as the door opened. Max walked in. "I've contacted the police. He's been locked in the store cupboard in the canteen."

Leigh nodded. "Sit with her. I need to go and see my mum. Tell her what's happened," she said as she kissed Max and walked off.

Max turned to Megan. "It's going to be okay. He won't get away with this."

Megan looked to him. "He'll say that I did it. That I made him get on me. I didn't," she sobbed.

"Your sister and I walked in on it. We know what happened," Max said.

Leigh walked into the office. She looked to her mum. "We need to talk."

"Leigh. Please. I'm not in the mood for it."

Leigh scoffed. "Yeah. Well I'm not in the mood either. I just walked in on your boyfriend. Trying to rape Megan!"

Rachel frowned. She shook her head. "No. There's more to it than that. Surely?"

"No. Max and I walked in. He had her on the floor on top of her. And if you even try to defend him in anyway, I will ruin your life," Leigh said.

"Leigh. Adam wouldn't do that. I know he wouldn't. He's a good man. You just haven't given him a chance."

Leigh scoffed. She went to turn and walk out. But before she did, she turned back to her mum. "I'm going to take custody of Megan. Because you clearly don't give a crap about her. You're a sick bitch."

Megan stood outside with Max. Tom walked over to her. "What's going on?" He asked as he looked between them.

Megan shook her head. Max smiled. "Not now Mr Clarkson. Megan is a little upset."

Tom walked off and frowned. He wanted to know why Megan was so upset.

Megan stood outside. She saw the police arriving. A few moments later, they came out with Adam. Adam turned to Megan. "Why can't you tell them the truth? You came onto me. You tried to have sex with me."

Everyone turned to Megan and started whispering. But no one was aware of how badly Megan was going to suffer with her mental health.

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