Nothing At All

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The months slowly past. Lyrics was here for me. Always, and I appreciated that. I was getting bigger, I never left the house. I was ashamed to show my belly. But what was growing in me was making me love it.

The way it swam in my stomach and always went to Lyrics Hand when she rubbed my belly gave me a warm feeling. Lyrics already promised me she would be there no matter what.

I was six months waiting for the last three to get here. Daddy didn't seem to happy with what I was doing. He put me to work around the house making me do all laundry and cleaning up twenty four seven! But lyrics helped me out.

I rubbed my arm and sat down in my bed. Lyrics looked at me. She smiled and began to kiss my stomach.

" I can't wait to meet you cutie... We gonna love you so much!," I smiled and kissed her. She kissed my belly and rubbed the stress mark cream over it. I laid back and watched as she massaged my stomach gently.

My child moved around freely. I loved that feeling. The door opened. I looked up at dad.

" What are you doing?," He asked me.

" Daddy I cleaned up the whole house I'm super tired now!," He shook his head,

" You wasant super tired when you made that god damn baby was you?!," He yelled. I felt my tears come. I ignored him and turned to my side. Then he yanked me onto the floor And grabbed my hair.

" Get the fuck up!," he yelled. I stood and he pushed me into the living room. I cleaned up everything and the house was damn near sparkling. I went back to my room and slammed the door.

Lyrics laid down with me. She kissed my neck slowly and held my hand. I licked my lips and moaned. Then we feel asleep.

By night, I some up feeling a sharp pain in my stomach. I went to the bath room and watched the blood fall. I gasped and saw lyrics walk in.

" I'm going into labor!," I yelled. She gasped and we had rushed to the hospital. I went into labor for a good twenty hours before really giving birth to my child. It was a baby girl.

I name her Harmony Kim Henry. Lyrics gave her a middle name from hers, so it was Harmony Jane Kim Henry. I loved my baby girl when she came out. I let Lyrics hold her. She smiled and began to cry. I laughed and she kissed me slowly.

I rubbed my baby's head. She looked more like me then any one else. I kissed her head and the door opened. I looked up and my smile dropped.

There's stood Snoop. He looked at me and moved my way. Lyrics looked at him and then at me.

" Can I hold her?," He asked. I felt tears slowly fall from my eyes as he stared at me. I shook my head,

" No...," Snoop bit his lip and sighed.

" Kim listen.," I shook my head.

" I listened to you enough... If I didn't I wouldn't have this precious thing in my arms right now...," I cried slowly. Lyrics kissed my lips and left the room.

" Listen... Kimmy please! I'm sorry... My step dad made me do it... I swear.," I cried harder and said,

" Youtr sick for doing it! What's fucking wrong with you!," I cried. He rubbed his head and said,

" I don't know... Can I please hold my daughter.," I shook my head again.

" No! You can't. She's very sick! The nurse took her to the bedroom. I wasn't suppose to have Harmony this month. She's really premature. She's the size of my palm... Literally! Song!." He sighed and grabbed my hand.

" I'll be there in her life.," Is hook my head.

" I don't want my child around her rapist father! You might try and rape her!," I yelled. Song sighs deeply. He looked at me and said,

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