~Chapter 6~

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~Jughead POV~
She kneed me in the balls and walked out with a smug smile on her face and although it just like a bitch I was impressed.

I always thought Betty was this goody too shoes who was perfect and I hated her for it but there she was best friends with a southside serpent, in a trailer on the southside not judging and she had the guts to knee the serpent king in the balls maybe she wasn't as bad as I thought.

No I couldn't think like that could I? She was the perfect princess with the perfect life, god it made me sick to my stomach thinking about how her family will have nice dinners and treat her like she's not just a piece of trash.

Toni soon came out of the bathroom with wet hair and gym stuff on it confused me that she had showered before working out but then I remembered one of the serpents accidentally spilled cola on her just before lunch.

"Hey guys, what's up?" She asked.

"Nothing much we just wanted to see if you could hang out?" I asked almost whispering still in pain from what Betty did.

"Jesus, what's up with him?" She asked Sweet Pea and Fangs.

"Betty kicked him in the balls" Sweet pea informed her while sniggering.

She just burst out laughing and couldn't stop.

"It's not that funny" I said feeling like I was being made fun of.

"Umm, yes, yes it is that funny" she said while still chuckling.

"Anyway I was about to go hang out with Betty" she spoke cautiously hoping we wouldn't be mad.

"Come on Toni you never hang out with us anymore it's always Betty,Betty,Betty." Fangs said partly annoyed.

"I'm sorry guys it's just she really needs me right now" she spoke softly but you could hear the pain in her voice.

"What the hell could the perfect princess Betty Cooper need you for" I said madly.

She scoffed and said "You have no idea what she is going through and you guys bullying her at school isn't helping" raising her voice at us.
"And need I remind you no one is god damn perfect! Get it through your thick skull or so help me god I will hurt you next time you insult her and yes that is a threat!" She said now yelling at us to be honest it was kind of frightening to see her like this.

I swallowed and looked at the boys who looked purely terrified for a brief second before they calmed down.

"Now I suggest you leave unless you want another bruise to your balls sack" she spoke darkly getting in my face.

"Go!" She shouted making us all scurry out of the trailer shocked at what had just happened.

"What was that?" Sweets asked while we headed to the bar.

"I'm not sure" Fangs answered, confused.

"I've never see her like that..." I said now becoming part of the conversation. "All I know is that when it comes down to it she's gonna pick Betty over us" I continued gulping at my own words terrified we had just lost one of our best friends since we were younger.

~Betty POV~
I came back from the studio at 8ish wondering where Toni was and why she never came to join me. J walked in and then saw her crying on the couch so I rushed over to her.

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked, concerned for her.

"I'm just so sick of it" she answered, obviously frustrated.

"Sick of what?" I continued, while embracing her in a hug.

"Of everyone treating you like your perfect, of your parents hurting you, of the bullying, all of it, I wish they could see how amazing you are it's not fair on you B it's really not" she cried in my arms.

"Hey it's ok I can handle it" I said tearing up myself.

"But it's not ok, it shouldn't be ok" she continued.

"Your right it's not ok, but I can handle it and do you know why I haven't completely given up yet" I said sitting back on the couch with her head on my shoulder.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because I have you, your always there for me your my best friend Topaz" I said smiling letting a tear roll down my cheek.

"Your my best friend too Cooper" she chuckled at the nickname.

"Love you" I said leaning my head on hers.

"Love you too" she finished.

We sat in comfortable silence for a while until we both drifted off to sleep waiting for morning to come.

777 words

Sorry it's short next one will be longer coming soon xx

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