~Chapter 8~

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Betty POV
I sprinted up the stairs to my room escaping my fathers grasp. Twisting the lock on my door as fast as I could and doing the chain lock as well.

I exhaled loudly letting the breath escape my mouth that I didn't even know I was holding in.

I was leaning against my door and not even seconds later there was a loud banging on the door.

I let the tears start to fall as I slid down my door letting my parent's voices echo through my head one more "your worthless" "No one will ever love you" "You fat, ugly whore". I started to pull my hair even more, rubbing my temples, praying that it would stop, praying that everything would just stop.

A few hours later I stumbled back into my room stopping at the sight of my broken down door, nothing could keep them away, nothing and nobody could stop them.

It had gotten worse, way worse I could handle the beatings and the rape and even my self-harm but there was a new wound that they had yet to explore, stabbing.

Two stab wounds on my right hip blood pouring out of it as I clutched it for dear life, they had left me for dead.

I practically crawled over to my vanity searching threw my drawers looking for a bandage or a shirt anything to put pressure on it, thank god I had taken biology.

Once bandaged and in severe pain I sat at my window letting the salty liquid pour one drop at a time out of the corner of my eyes.

I could hear laughing from the boy next door, Archie. He definitely had people over, I needed to leave, I needed to climb out of the window before my parents worked up enough energy to hit me again, but I couldn't, I couldn't let them see me, not like this, so I called the only person I could, Toni.

Ring, Ring, Ring...

T-"Hey B, what happened? Why is your blinds closed? I came to Archie's with the others so I could see what was happening through the window"

B-"I-I can't explain I just I-I need you to get everyone out of Archies room s-so I can climb out. C-can I move in I-I just I can't s-stay here anymore" I whimpered feeling the most helpless I had in a long time.

T-"Of course you can. What happened are you crying? How bad was it? Can I please just go to the cops?"

B-"NO!" I shouted immediately.

J-"Topaz who is it?" I could hear in the background.

B-"Toni just get them out of the room" I said more sternly before hanging up the phone and wiping my tears one last time before packing.

I packed everything, well everything I wanted photos of me and Toni, clothes (the not so prude ones), toiletries, everything I wasn't planning on ever coming back.

I quickly peaked out of the window to see everyone was gone the coast was clear, I checked my bandage one last time before climbing out the window, turning to look back at the room I once loved but now was filled with pain and suffering, and then I leaped.

I wasn't sure how far down it was but I had done it before when Toni wasn't there with a ladder.

Landing a second later on both feet almost disappointed that I hadn't kept falling and let the ground consume me, I stood up and began to leave my once loved childhood home but now forever ruined, but that was just it I wasn't a child anymore and it most certainly wasn't my home.

Goodbye Northside, Hello Southside.

Jughead POV

We were all downstairs eating pizza after Toni suggested it, and I couldn't complain let's be honest.

Everyone was talking when i realised I never got an answer from Toni, who was she talking to?

"Hey Toni who were you talking to?" I asked casually trying not to sound too suspicious.

"Oh uh it was nothing" she said while chewing on her piece of pizza.

"Didn't sounds like nothing" I spoke yet again.

"Y-you heard?!" She asked frantic that was when I knew it was serious.

"No but now I know it wasn't nothing" I said having a smug grin on my face while everyone else was still talking.

"Umm, anyway I have to get going thanks for the pizza Arch" she thanked while she grabbed her jacket, helmet and keys.

"No problem" he said with a wave.

Then she was out the door, I knew something was up with her and I knew it had to do with perfect Betty Cooper especially after that scene at school today.

"Hey uh, I'm gonna head out too" I said stuffing the last of my pizza into my mouth before running up the stairs to grab my helmet.

There it was on his desk, I picked it up and looked forward to put it on not expecting to see what I saw.

My eyes held in place as I saw blood dripping from the perfect white paint covering the Cooper household. I let them drag up following the trail of red going inside Betty Coopers room. A pool of blood on her white carpet still fresh from what I could see, when I saw that my helmet dropped making a clash on the floor.Then I noticed the wood all over the floor half of her door missing covered in blood. A red handprint lay on the white broken down wood, maybe she wasn't perfect.

Taking a big gulp I picked up my helmet and rushed out of the door, as much as I had hated Betty Cooper my whole life, she was hurt that much was obvious, and she certainly didn't have a perfect life.

I should have known her smile was fake after all I was someone who plastered one on his face every morning for years earlier.

1010 words
Sorry I haven't been posting but I'm back xx

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