~Chapter 9~

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Betty POV
I stumbled into Toni's trailer, the blood loss staring to affect my balance. I threw my bag on the couch and made my way to the bathroom slowly trying not to fall over.

I opened the cupboard, my vision starting to go blurry looking for pain meds. Anything that would take away what I was feeling, anything that would stop the excruciating pain of every fibre in my body hurting.

I took the first bottle I saw out, downing 5 big white pills before dropping the bottle and sitting back into the bathtub. I somehow managed to get the water going letting it run into my bloodied, dry clothes, making a pool of red near the drain. The tears found their ways to my eyes again as I burst out into what felt like never ending cries and sobs, not caring what or who heard me. I just wanted it over, I wanted it all over.

Toni POV
I hopped off of my motorcycle, running into the trailer barely letting my feet touch the ground. I looked around, her bag was on the couch but no Betty. Then I heard the muffled cries and sobs coming from the tiny bathroom.

I sprinted opening the door slowly. She sat in the bathtub the cold shower water drenching every centimetre of her skin. She was crying sobbing, in pain. I looked down and saw pills spilt everywhere, I didn't know how many she had taken but I knew I had to help her.

"Betty..." I spoke softly in a whisper trying not to scare her.

"T-toni..." she whimpered slowly turning her face to me, letting me see the water gushing out of her bright red puffy eyes.

I stepped over the bottle of pills and wrapped her in a hug, not caring I was getting soaked.
She burst into more tears, this time was worse I didn't know how or why, but i knew it was worse.

"Hey it's ok...your ok just breath...just breath" I reassured her hugging her tighter if even possible.

I heard a whimper when I squeezed her tighter in my arms and immediately pulled back worry washing over my face.

"I'm so sorry... ok uh what happened? Do I need bandages?" I asked wiping her tears.

She only nodded before her trembling lips moved once more. "H-he h-had a k-knife..." was all she managed to get out before bursting into tears yet again.

I calmed her down and got her out of the bath, while getting bandages and some shorts and a vest top for her to sleep in.

She stood in her shorts and vest top pulled up showing a bloodied strip of her stomach wrapped in a shirt, while I looked at her in the eyes one more time before I removed the wrapped shirt revealing two stab wounds.

I heard a squeak from her as I patted the wounds with alcohol. I bandaged them up before hugging her one more time.

"We'll talk tomorrow ok?"

She only nodded before leaving and curling up on the couch falling into a hopefully dreamless sleep.

Jughead POV
I stood outside Toni's trailer in confusion, shock, emotions I didn't even know how to feel. I didn't know what to say or feel. Betty fucking Cooper wasn't perfect, but is anyone?

Now that I thought about it, I felt stupid, of course she wasn't perfect, no one is. I didn't know what happened to her tonight but there was something deep inside of me telling me I needed to know, I needed to find out what happened, what was wrong.

I now stood on the other side of my best friend's door feeling immense guilt. I had called her so many names, pushed her around, I was her biggest bully, her enemy, she must hate me, I have made her life at school hell, and for what? To make myself feel better?

I thought if I was mad at her for having the  perfect family, it wouldn't hurt so much that my family wasn't perfect. And how wrong I was I needed to say sorry.

And so I knocked.

And knocked.

As I lifted my hand one more time the door flung open and I was faced with Toni - hands covered in blood.

I swallowed while she closed the door behind her. "What happened? Is she ok?" I blurted out before she could even say anything.

"What?" She asked utterly confused.

"I saw through her bedroom window"

"Oh" she breathed shock and nerves taking over her body.

"I guess not even Betty Cooper is perfect" I spoke softly shoving my hands into my jean pockets.

"You have no idea"

787 words

Sorry kinda short but at least I posted xx

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