~Chapter 10~

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Betty POV

"I guess not even Betty Cooper is perfect" I heard him say.

I knew it was him from the sound of his voice, but he wasn't annoyed or angry, he was condescending or bitchy, he almost sounded worried.


His voice was soft and gentle filled with questions he hadn't dared to ask. He was confused, he had every right to be I mean for his whole life he thought I was perfect, then all of a sudden I wasn't, you could almost hear the guilt in his voice, he was scared, upset.

Maybe after all his years of taunting me he had finally figured out I was just as fucked up as everyone else.


I continued to lay in bed and listened to them say goodbye, I knew it'd be a sleepless night.

"I should probably go check up on her again" Toni said try to subtly end the conversation.

"Yeah, yeah go ahead...umm Toni?" He asked nervously.

"Yeah?" She continued.

"I'm sorry for thinking she was perfect, obviously she isn't, I guess we all have our skeletons in the closet just some are better at hiding them" he spoke gently, he sounded pained as if from experience.

"I'm not the person you need to be apologising to but thanks Jug, goodnight"

"Your right but still, Goodnight Toni"

Then I heard the door shut and the silence keeps back into the room haunting me, my head filling with screams from just hours ago, letting the darkness take over my body one more time I closed my eyes and tried to sleep letting my tears run their course.


It had been a week since the incident and neither Betty or Toni had been at school, Betty could barely walk but was getting better, with Toni's help of course.

Jughead had never come by again to apologise to Betty, she knew he was embarrassed, and took a liking to the fact that he finally felt some guilt for all of the shit he put her through.

Her and Toni had just finished watching a film, well Toni had just finished watching it Betty had fallen asleep halfway through.

She payed on the couch in joggers and a sports bra, leaving her bruises and stitched wounds  open letting them get some air, Toni tried to cover her with a blanket but she just kicked it off.

Suddenly the door flung open, and Toni was faced with her three childhood best friends.

She smiled at first not having seen them in a week, then the realisation of Betty being beaten and bruised on the couch hit her. Shit.

"Topaz, where the hell you been?" Sweet pea said stepping in front of Jughead and into her kitchen.

"Uhhhh..." she stumbled with her words glancing at the couch every few seconds.

"You got any beer?" Fangs said joining the two in the kitchen and starting to look through her small fridge.

"Why don't you guys g-go to the Wyrm I-I'll meet you there?" Toni spoke stuttering slightly worrying that they'd see Betty.

"Well you obviously missed us so much" Sweet Pea said sarcastically taking a beer from Fangs.

"I just umm..." she looked at Jughead worried, hoping he'd take the hint, but he was clueless, he just looked confused if anything.

"Hey is Cooper here? I've thought of a few snarky comments to get back at her for the other day" Sweet Pea laughed "Ive actually been thinking she's not that bad, I mean she doesn't judge anyone on the southside and thats saying something" he continued chuckling taking a sip of beer.

My eyes widened at her name, I started choking on popcorn, that me and Betty had nearly finished but I was still nibbling on.

"I...can't......breathe" I managed to get out while the rest of them laughed loudly getting louder by the second, it was that moment I knew I was fucked, Betty was for sure awake.

"T-toni" she coughed slowly getting up while rubbing her eyes.

It fell silent.

She entered the kitchen hobbling, wounds still exposed, she had her hair in a messy bun and it was in her face.

She finally opened her eyes once in the kitchen and was not prepared for what she saw, three people she never wanted to see her like this, in pain and bruised, she didn't want to show any weakness.

Once she arrived in the kitchen, it was like the air had been sucked out of the room, all of the three guys who had bullied her for years sat and stared at her, in shock, they couldn't believe what they were seeing, perfect Betty Cooper stood before them bruised and broken.

It was like the whole world had just flipped upside down.

"Shit" she said wrapping her arms around her waist trying to cover some of her exposed body, she knew she was in deep shit already and it just kept getting worse.

831 words x


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