~Chapter 15~

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"My daughter" the blonde said as she crumpled into the raven haired boy's arms.

He suddenly looked straight at Toni who looked just as confused as he did.

"What daughter?" The girl asked sitting down next to her.

"I-I was 14 a-and "on vacation for 7 m-months" h-he sent her away...w-without me knowing" she sobbed as Jughead just held her tighter, stroking her hair.

"Hey, it's ok I'm right here" he said.

"B, we are gonna get her back I promise" the pink haired girl said looking her straight in the eyes.

"H-he wants m-me for her" she said, trying to calm down.

"We will make a plan ok? Just try to breathe I'm gonna go with the boys and figure this out can you stay here with Jughead?" She asked getting up.

The blonde nodded nuzzling her nose into his neck.

Sweet Pea, Fangs and Toni were in the kitchen while Betty and Jughead stayed in her room.

"You smell good" she whispered.

He chuckled and kissed her temple.

"We're gonna get her back" he said her cheek in his hand.

"How are you s-so sure?" She asked, glassy eyed.

"Because I know how much you love her, and nothing can stand in the way of that, we will figure this out ok?" He said caressing her cheek.

"Ok" she whispered resting her head on his chest, listening to her breathing.

Meanwhile in the kitchen the rest of the friend group were trying to figure out a plan.

"I say we just abduct him and make him pay for what he did to Betty" Sweet Pea huffed fists clenched tight.

"Sweets, you know we can't do that" Toni sighed.

It was silent, just for a moment until Fangs spoke.

"What if- what if we used Betty to lure him in?" He asked carefully.

"What no way!" Sweet Pea snapped.

"I don't like it either Pea but it feels like our only option" he hissed back.

"I mean think about it, we use Betty to get him to go to the register but we have Serpents rallied up in hiding spots and we stop him when he tries to take her, it would work!" Fangs said leaning against the kitchen counter.

"Then we go to the police and tell them everything and Hal gets locks up for good" he finished.

Toni had a vicious scowl on her face she hated it but knew it would actually work.

"He's put Betty through enough pain she shouldn't have to even look at him again!" Sweet Pea said angrily.

"God I wanna kill him for what he's done" He continued slamming his hand down on the table.

"I know Pea, I know" said Toni shaking her head.

No one said a word, all thinking the same thing.

Fuck you Hal Cooper.

Then Betty walked in with Jughead's wrapped around her protectively, her leaning into his side her arm resting across his torso.

"I'll do it" was all the blonde said making them all look up from the floor.

"Betty..." Toni trailed off.

"No Toni I want to, I need to. I wanna look him in the eye when he gets arrested, I want to see the fire in his eyes when he realises I won, when he realises that I beat him at his own fucked up game and he couldn't do fuck all about it, I want to see him suffer the way I suffered." She said harshly.

Everyone nodded immediately knowing that she needed to do this for herself, to maybe just maybe, get some closure.

"Alright what's the plan?" She asked after a minute.

They were in an abandoned warehouse with about twenty other serpents all their age.

"So will you do it? Will you help?" Sweet Pea asked.

Nobody said anything until they all started nodding.

"In unity there is strength!" One of them yelled.

Soon everyone was chanting it and it made a smile appear on Betty's face. She knew how much they would do for each other. They would kill for each other, die for each other. She only hopes they would do the same for her after all she wasn't sure how far her father would take it.

Betty was outside the register at the meeting time with a bag on her shoulder.

Then she saw them.

There was her monster of a father walking towards her with a young girl next to him.

She was pale and tiny, with blonde locks.

She looked sad and beaten the closer they got the more bruises she saw, she suddenly felt rage begin to rise in her.

The rage disappeared as soon as the little blonde girl got out of his grasp and ran to her.

"Help! He hurted me!" She said crying.

She wrapped her arms around the the little girls tiny frame and they both cried.

"Mia I'm so sorry it's all my fault!" Betty sobbed holding onto the girl for dear life.

The girl just continued to cry in her arms "I love you" Betty said and unexpectedly got an "I love you too" back from her it only made her cry more.

Then suddenly she felt something on her back and realised Hal was behind her and he had a gun.

Nobody had prepared for him having a gun.

Hope u liked it sorry it took a while but it's here :)

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