~Chapter 7~

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~Betty POV~
It was Friday and things had been great recently well for one, I have been living with Toni my parents have called and left threatening messages but they haven't actually done anything.

I'm still being bullied at school but Fangs and Sweet Pea have been nicer when I'm on the southside at least, they were still mean at school but I knew they actually had a little bit of respect for me now and they didn't really mean it, it was just for their reputation.

My dancing has been going well I don't have a routine for the competition yet but I've been able to really focus and it's been amazing.

Apart from the bullying life had been going great but I knew it was way too good to be true.

After being shoved into a locker and being named "fatty" I made my way to English literature class.

I had always had a bond with English I liked to believe that as long as I had pen and paper I could survive anything. I always thought if I wrote down what I was feeling everything would be ok but I knew deep down that it wasn't, it felt like this big empty hole inside of me only enlarging by the minute, waiting to be fully consumed by the darkness that runs through my veins, the darkness that I now call my friend.

"Can Betty Cooper please come to the principals office I repeat Betty Cooper to the principals office, thank you" I heard over the intercom I packed my stuff up confused.

Did I do something?

What happened?

Am I in trouble?

Then it hit me my parents.

I looked up to see a very angry Alice Cooper standing in front of me along with an even angrier Hal Cooper.

I came out of the principals office being tugged on the arm by my so called 'father' and rushed to my locker to get my things, I had a tear strained face and everyone was staring but I didn't care, I didn't care about any of it, I only cared about how mad my parents were.

When I opened my locker all eyes were on me and my parents. A note fell into the floor with the word "slut" in big black letters and my father bent down and picked it up.

"I mean they're not wrong you are just a slut" he whispered in my ear which sent shivers down my spine. Was that all I was to him, a slut?

It was complete silence in the whole hallway until I heard some laughing coming around the corner. Jughead, Sweet Pea, Fangs and Toni.

I looked straight up at Toni and I could already see the tears starting to prick my eyes again.

That's when Toni started crying quietly but loud enough for the serpents to hear her.

She mouthed an "I'm sorry" over to me and I just shook my head and faintly smiled at least she tried.

The serpents looked completely and utterly confused I mean I couldn't blame them they had no idea who I was behind the curtains.

I closed my locker and my dad gently shoved me to move forward but not enough for anyone to notice, well anyone but Toni.

She instantly ran up to me and hugged me as tight as she could.

"I'm getting you out of there tonight" she whispered into my ear, as well as "run to your room and lock the door I love you B" I smiled through my tears and looked up to see Jughead, Fangs and Sweet Pea with puzzles faces but jughead almost looked mad at me what had I done this time.

I pulled away and Toni instantly stepped in front of my parents this wasn't going to end well.

One fast slap to the face to my mother who now had a handprint and even some blood running down her cheek from Toni's ring.

She took her hand up to her cheek and glared at me then at Toni. "Not so fun being on the other end of a slap is it?" She said to her harshly but quietly so only we could hear it.

Then she went to my father and kneed him in the balsams he fell onto his knees and she pinched his ear and brought it to her mouth. "If you or your bitch of a wife lay a hand on Betty I will end you" she whispered into his ear and walked away smugly.

I burst out laughing I couldn't help myself I knew I'd get into even more trouble for it later but this, this was too funny.

Everyone was staring at me confused and like I was the devil I mean I guess j was laughing at my parents pain but they had laughed at my pain too many times to count.

Once they finally got up my mother pulled my arm towards the door and then we were gone back to the home I call hell.

~Jughead POV~
I was so confused by the whole situation what had just happened?

Why was Betty and Toni crying?

Why were they hugging like it was the end of the world?

Why did Toni slap Mrs Cooper?

Why did she Knee Mr Cooper in the balls?

What did she say to them?

Why was Betty laughing at her parents?

So many questions and no answers, something was off I could feel it, Toni hadn't been hanging out as much she was always with Betty, she was never at the bar or serpent meetings as a matter of fact. I didn't know what was happening but I knew it had something to do with Betty and I was going to figure it out.

968 words

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