~Chapter 13~

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Betty POV
I had gotten to the studio after leaving the trailer and I started doing stretches to warm myself up.

After about half an hour I was all ready to start dancing properly, I was working on some choreography, so I finished that and decided to do the whole dance together not noticing the raven haired guy who had just appeared around the corner.

I hooked up my phone to the speakers, got in position and begun to dance.

(That is totally Betty phaha)

About half way through I had started crying, my dancing had always been about expressing my emotions. That's why I always loved contemporary because it wasn't about technique it was about telling a story and feeling your way through the dance.

By the end of it I was practically sobbing on the floor, as I pulled my knees up to chest and rested my chin on them trying to control my breathing.

Jughead POV

Wow was about the only word Jughead could think of as he watched her dance from the corner.

It was beautiful, she was beautiful.

He could almost feel her emotions just by watching her, he was mesmerised.

In that very moment she looked like an angel -even through her tears.

He knew now it was wrong of him to watch her she was being vulnerable with herself and it wasn't his place, he nearly walked away.


But he couldn't, it's like his eyes were locked on her his brain said move but his heart said stay.

He had never really watched dance but he knew she was talented he knew one day she'd be a star.

He smiled to himself happy she had an outlet to put her emotions -he didn't know the whole story about her bruises or the blood covering her room but he knew it was bad and she needed this.

She needed somewhere or something to show how she was feeling -even if it wasn't him.

By time she was finished she was sobbing on the floor he knew he couldn't leave her there like that he wouldn't.

So slowly her knocked on the side of the doorway making her head turn.

"Hey, you ok?" He asked with the softest eyes you would have ever seen

Later Betty would come to realise that was the exact moment she realised she could trust him -him and his deep ocean eyes staring past all her flaws and into her heart.

"W-what are you doing h-here?"

"I...uh I saw you come in here so I umm... s-sorry I can go" the raven haired boy stuttered suddenly feeling more nervous than ever.

"No-No I just... you surprised me t-that's all...stay" she said softly wiping away her tears frantically.

"Ok" he replied moving forward and sitting next to her.

"So uh, how long have you been dancing?"

"Since I was 9, I used to go to lessons in greendale"

"My little sister always wanted to do dancing" he chuckled looking at the floor.

"You have a sister?!" She asked utterly shocked.

"Yeah...I haven't heard from her in years though...my...uh my mom and her just took off one day no explanation"

"That sucks I'm sorry" she sympathised.

"It's ok, I guess"

"No it's not" she said looking him straight in the eye.

The blonde looked down at the floor contemplating whether to tell him or not. She knew she would have to but she just didn't know if she was ready, if she could trust him, so she just took a leap of faith.

"My tenth birthday was the first time he hit me -my dad" she whispered looking up at the ceiling trying to stop herself from crying and avoiding his eyes.

"He was drunk -like always- I had Eagan too much chocolate and was having a sugar high, he got mad and slapped me across the face sending me to my room, he said and I quote 'tell anyone and your dead'."

"Betts, you don't have to tell me anything" he said with glassy eyes.

"I want to" she said with a shaky breath.

"After a while it became a regular thing and before I knew I had to wear make up to cover the bruises -that's when my mother started calling me things like 'who're' or 'slut' after about two months of that she joined in on the physical punishment" Betty said letting her tears run their course.

"I'm so sorry, you didn't deserve that"

"I hit puberty earlier than most when I was eleven, t-that's when it became a s-sexual thing" she burst into cries and sobs collapsing into the boys arms.

"Hey, it's ok I'm here, I'll keep you safe, your safe with me" he whispered into her ear.

"Listen to my breathing ok, in and out" he said calming her down.

She was still in his arms when she calmed down she was gripping onto him like her life depended on it.

"I'm sorry Juggie" she apologised.

"You have absolutely nothing to apologise for Betts" he said stroking her blonde locks.

"Thank you" she whispered.

"Anytime Betts, anytime"


Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed it xx

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