Prolouge/First Night

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My name is Finley Ruby Harris, and I come from hell. Yeah. I said it. I ran away at age twelve and suffered through five years of living torture. Ya don't need to know. I was beaten, thrown in an asylum, and almost driven to insanity. My family... I don't have one. Just Sonny and he hate me now. I am barely alive, and I got out of Jail only with the help of an old friend. Nobody gets to see Finley, not anymore. Now I am just Fin, a boy with an ugly past. They know the "man" but they won't see the beast. No one will ever love me, not anymore. I guess I just gave up the hope that  I could ever be loved. Now, I am just trying to forget.

"Thanks again, Jack." He nodded "When I gotch yo lettah, I came. Anythin for an old frien. Especially youse Finley." She smiled and nodded. "So, you do understan that nobody els is to know I'm a goil." Jack nodded, grinning slightly.  He had known she was a girl since the moment he met her.

"Told em I was bustin you'se out of jail, and that yo name was Fin.By the way, youse know youse gonna hafta tell em soona or latah." She nodded slightly, turning the thought over in her head.

"I'll tell em after I prove dem guns!" Jack laughed. They arrived at the lodgin house late that night. They could hear the boys tuckin in for da night. She held her bag tightly to her chest, nervous. She could trust jack, but she didn't know about anyone else.

They walked up together, Finley shakin on de inside. She just hoped that no one would care, if they ever found out, or else she was screwed.

All the boys paused as Jack walked on in. He yelled "So boys, dis is Fin, an old friend I busted outta jail in Albany. He wants to join the newsies, since he has nothing else to go to."

She raised her eyes and looked around. They sure were a ragged bunch, but the looks they were giving her were not cruel, or suspicious. They were open and kind, and she grinned. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

The boys started comin over to her, spittin in der hands and sayin "I'm Mush" "Racetrack" "Crutchy" "Blink" and more. She shook there's and said "I'm Fin, got arrested for fightin in de streets, jack got me out."

Race approached her. "Do youse gamble?" She grinned, a real smile this time. "Heck yeah." He smiled. "Good, do ya wanna play?" She ended up on the ground with cards in her hand in no time.

As she played, she learned a little more about these boys. Racetrack got his name cause he bet at the races a lot. Mush was a romantic and a bit of a flight risk when it came to girls. Blink got his name from the eyepatch he wore. All of them were loud and very good gamblers, but in the end, she won.

They went to bed after that, grumbling and complaining, but she knew she had made a first rate impression on them. Jack came up as she was setting up her bed and said "Not bad for a first encounter, eh"

She nodded and went to bed, exhausted but excited about what this day would bring. She had almost forgot about New Orleans.

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