Fight on The Roof

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After that brutal night, she waited all the next day for Spot to show up, somewhere. She was on edge and always had her knives out, just waiting. She knew after what she did that he would be looking for her. She was just waiting for him to strike.  

Boys like him want to regain their honor after losing a fight. And after getting beat by a girl? Oh yes, he would be out for revenge and quite possibly blood.

Luckily, he didn't show until she was hanging out alone on the roof of Medda's, after preforming. That way no one else was around to see. She was just standing there, looking out over the city,  when she heard a slight rustle and knew.

 She turned around slowly and said, with a smirk on her face, "If you'se heah ta soak me, it aint gonna work. I'll just soak ya again. Y'all haven't met anyone like me befoah. " He smirked and said, "No, I will getcha for dat, but foist I gots a question and a deal. I know better than to throw meself headfirst into situations where I might lose."

She nodded and pulled out her knife. "yeah, me too. Well, ya want ta know what I meant. I meant that I have seen and experienced scarier things than a newsie wit a big rep. You'se nuttin compared to what kinda absolute S**T I been trough. I don' feah death, cause I have had worse. Hell itself. Sweetheart, I hav met da Devil himself and survived.

He frowned "Ya knew. What I would ask. Can't say I'm surprised. And, I ain't sho I wanna know watcha mean by hell itself."

  She smiled her shark-like grin. "Oh yeah, ya just like everyone else. Its easy, everyone's curious about who I am. I have heard this question so mant times. I don't always anser it, but you? You get one. Just not about my own personal hell, I mean. No one gets ta know 'bout that."

He sat down and said "So, heah's mah deal. Ya only come to Brooklyn at night, and that's it. I will not risk mah rep to a goil like yahself. But, you are powerful. If you can prove yahself, I might even welcome you in."

In a flash, he had a knife at her neck and threw her to the ground. They struggled, and she out up one heck of a fight, but because of surprise, he got the upper hand in the end.

 He carved an "S" in her stomach, making her bleed profusely. It was deep, but she would live, she  "Hey, now we be even." She grinned her now signature grin "Fire, I like fire. It gives me something to play with."

She suddenly threw him to the ground and gave him a nice scar on his cheek, a nice slice so he wouldn't forget. "I will take your deal sweetie, but don't mess with me. No one messes with me and gets away."

She jumped off of him and smiled. "If your newsies knew, you would not be "King" She jumped off the building and stepped back to wave sassily. As she made her way back to Manhattan, he smiled evilly. He was going to have fun with her.

Violent, Insane Love(A Spot Conlon Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now