Foist Day

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The next morning, she got up with the rest of em, minding her bandages, and other things. They all went out together, she being accepted instantly.

However, problems arose as the got to the gate. The Delancey Bruddahs were waiting.

She grabbed Jacks arm saying "This is my chance." She walked up to em and said "What an ugly pair of rats right heah eh newsies?" A collective "Oooh" went around and many laughed.

Morris immediately threw a punch, being extremely easy to rile up,but she easily dodged, being smaller and much better at fighting. She grabbed his shoulders and kneed him in the groin. She then threw him to the ground, resulting in a pained groan, and hit Oscar square  in the face, breaking his nose.

She kicked him in the gut and he fell too. They both groaned and retreated, but not after yelling some nasty words at her. All she did was smile.

All of the newsies were laughing by now. She grinned "Glad they don't know they got busted by a goil, cause then they would be even more pissed."

 They looked at her confused until she unbuttoned her shirt a little to show them the bandages around her chest. Se had cut her hair, so she couldn't take her hat off and show them her hair.

They all whooped and hollered. Racetrack slapped his head. "You think that after Alexandra, you'd think we would know." She gasped "Alexandra, where is she?!" He smiled "She works for Medda, and is my goil now."

They all went to work, not speaking a word. None of the boys reacted in the smallest way, so she knew she had made the right choice. She knew somehow, given their behavior the previous night, that she could trust them and the truth was, she didn't want to hide.

She bought 50 papes, and sold them all, quickly learning from Jack how to embellish the headlines, yell as loud as she could, and other tricks of the trade.

That night she told them the real story "I ran away from me old boyfrien, in San Francisco, learning how to fight to steal food from a couple of boys living on the streets, just like me. I made my way across country, fightin for entertainment and money. I got 'rrested in Albany because someone found out I was a goil. Me dad and Jack's dad knew each uddah, and we was friens growin up. I contacted him and he got me out and brought me heah."

They nodded and she continued "I'm only going to be here until I can get a job wit' Medda. preforming has always been my true passion."

The boys went to sleep first, and then she dealt with her problems, problems that only came when you're a girl living with a bunch of boys.

The truth was, she almost never slept anymore because of the nightmares, the nightmares about her past.. She didn't tell em da whole story, just Alex knew.

She remembered how they traveled from Hoboken to somewhere in western New York, she couldn't remember where.

She remembered pouring out her story, and the nightmares beginning. All the sleepless nights remembering one terrible one.

She jumped in bed, knowing no sleep would come. She allowed a few tears, letting memories through like sand in an hourglass. There was no way she would ever let anyone in like Scott, she swore, lying there that night, no one.

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