Plan B

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 A few short hours later after everything had calmed down and she was resting, Spot was sitting on his throne, the Manhattan newsies finally gone, when a little newsie named Brass came up and said nervously, "Spot? Sir?"

He looked down at the shaking boy with dread filling his belly, "What is it?" "I think Fin be dead. She's all white and red with her own blood. She ain't even breathin. I checked."

He jumped down and ran as fast as he could to the lodging house. He should've expected her to try something like this. She was determined, he had to give her that. But no matter what, he wasn'i going to let her do this.

He ran in to find her as pale as a ghost and completely covered in blood. He carefully peeled back the sheets to see his name on her belly, long scars and gashes everywhere, and the words, "Spot, you are the only one who could make me happy." written in blood on one arm, and on the other, "So I will make you happy by leaving you alone."

He yelled in a panic, "Boys, give me all y'all shoits so we can wrap her up, and Ace, go and fetch da doctor. We gonna make sho she lives dis time 'round"

 He ripped off his shirt, tore it up into strips, and used it along with the other boy's shirts to try and wrap her up to try to stop the bleeding.

He yelled at someone to go get Jack and the other Manhattan newsies. They needed to be with her. They needed her, for that matter.

 She opened her eyes and weakly said "No, it ain't worth it. Dis is what I wanted. Im serious Spot Conlon, I want to die tonight."

He shook his head. "No, I saved ya once, I will do it again. Too bad for you, ya 're going to live. I don't care what you want, sorry."

She lay back down, paler than ever. Tears filled her eyes and made their way down her cheeks. He tried to save her, to staunch the bleeding, but by the time Jack got there, she was at Death's door.

He started crying as he knelt by her bed, "Why do ya want to die so badly? I thought you wasn't hurtin anymore." She cried at that, wrapping her arms around him. 

She then whispered her last words to him "Jack, I love you like mah bruddah, my dear sweet Jack, and I will see ya on da uddah side. don' worry 'bout me. I think I'll be happy once I'm over there." and painted an "F" on his cheek, just like the mark on his stomach, "to remember me by."

She whispered her last words to them all, and then shooed them out, wanting to die alone. They reluctantly left her, only doing it because they could not bear to see the life leave her eyes.

She let all the tears she had been holding back come forward as she awaited death to take her. This was it.

Violent, Insane Love(A Spot Conlon Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now