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Nothing else surprising happened after that, which seemed strange for her. She thought he was going to do something, but no.

She did her usual thing until a week later, when she had been a newsie slash singer for five weeks. Ever since she had gotten a job, she had been switching between singing with Medda and being a newsie with the boys. 

Things did happen around her, but nothing that bothered Spot until this day.  He had to admit, though he didn't want to, she was good. Good at selling, at fighting, at a lot, and he couldn't help but respect her.

He was walking around Brooklyn after selling his papes, when he heard faint thumping noises coming from inside an old abandoned warehouse on the riverfront, near the boy's hangout. He knew that the boys were out there, and no one would be in there. Suddenly, he knew exactly who it was.

He went inside to see Fin punching the wall with her bare fists. She was grunting, and punching the wall. it was smeared with a dark liquid.

He was pissed. It was the middle of the day, and she was violating her deal. He could respect her, but he was in charge, and he had to punish her.

He pulled out his cane and yelled "Get outta heah Fin, or else I'll soak ya!! Ya Bum!" He looked at her as she froze, and he felt a pit in his stomach. Something was wrong. The liquid smeared on the wall, it wasn't put there by accident. It was right were she had been punching.

She turned around and he saw her hands covered in blood. Her shirt was soaked, and she looked angry, and sad at the same time.

 "Do ya wanna know why errybody respects me now? Do ya wanna know why I hafta watch mah back every darn place I go? I got blood on mah hands. I killed someone once. I had a fight with a gang in Tennessee. I stole in der territory. I said "One on one, whoevah wins gets away Scott free. He cheated, had a knife. I took it, killed him. I got blood on my hands that day. I got the death of another human being on my hands. It haunts me even today. Now, I literally have it on me hands."

A single, solitary tear slowly sipped down her face and she turned away. "He was innocent, yah know. He just didn't get the best life, and was trying his hardest. I ended his chance of life getting any better."

For some strange reason, he felt a little of his anger fade as he slipped out of his suspenders, and took off his shirt, handing it to her. "Put it on and give me your bloody one." He said gruffly. he knew how it felt. he also had blood on his hands and had stayed up many nights over it.

She slipped it on and he took the bloody shirt, throwing it away. he could get a new shirt, and he didn't want her to ever have to see that again.

Ripping a piece of cloth off of a tarp nearby, he gently bandaged her hands, and cleaned off the blood. When he finished she said "Thank You." She took off, running home leaving him to wonder where this small act of kindness came from. She was changing him.

Violent, Insane Love(A Spot Conlon Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now