Her Story Is Revealed

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From that moment on, the two of them were at least cordial to each other. They were polite, and very cautious around each other. At least, when they saw each other.

She had been avoiding him and him, her. Their relationship was on thin ice, and neither one of them trusted each other yet.

Spot didn't see her until Jack came with a message from her five days after their agreement. "Hey, Fin wants ya to meets us on da roof of Medda's tonigh. Don't ask why. She din tell me."

He didn't understand of all people why he would want her to be there, but he ended up on that roof later that night. He might as well find out what was going on.

When he got there, he saw Fin with Jack, Mush, Racetrack, Blink, David, and Crutchy. How they got Crutchy up there he didn't know, or care. It ain't like it was any of his concern.

She sat them down and began to talk. "I trus all of ya wit mah story. You are da ones I can count on to keep quiet. I don't know how y'all are going to react, but I don't care anymore. Here it goes." She switched out of her New Yorker voice into a soft tone that was music to the boys' ears. 

   "Where I lived before,  I had a boyfriend. My boyfriend Scott was fifteen when I was twelve. It took lots of convincing, but people let us be together. My parents warmed up to him, and everyone ended up being okay with it. I now really wish they hadn't.

One night, he invited me over under the pretense of spending time with me, and tried to rape me. He got really close, but for some reason, I escaped. After that, I ran home and stole whatever I would need to survive, and took off.

I fled across the country, a boy named Sonny teaching me how to fight so I could get money and food.  Me and Sonny split in Ohio after a huge fight. I...I don't know where he is, or if he is even alive." She shook with tears, remembering Sonny's face.

"Anyway, once in Tennessee, I stole some food like I always did. But this time,  A local gang came after me and I challenged the boss to a one on one fight. It was the only way they would let me go free.

He cheated, taking a knife, so I stole it out of his hands, and I killed him with it. I took his life, and ran before the rest of his gang could come after me.

 I met Alex in New Jersey, while she was on the beginning of her run. since we were both girls, and both needed a friend, we became friends, but lost each other in Western New York when we got caught in a riot.

That's the basic story." The boys all crowded around her and hugged her as she began to cry, something they had never seen out of her. She had always seemed so tough, but now she was sobbing on her knees.

Violent, Insane Love(A Spot Conlon Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now