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         All Might's frail form was depicted on the TV screen just mere feet in front of Y/N. His body hunched and his face hidden, he seemed so weak. Even after he defeated the villain he had previously named All For One. His new form, his usual form? His smaller form, it looked so...un All Mightish. On posters and billboards, he stood tall. His head held high and his smile always perfect. Was this even All Might without his quirk? Or was this just some kind of trick All For One had pulled out during their fight? Quirks are so confusing she thought.

        Y/N's brow furrowed in thought and worry, her jaw still clenched tightly. Her thoughts were cut off as All Might's voice penetrated through the silence. "Now it's your turn." The girl snapped her head up to view the TV once more, she saw All Might pointing to the camera. Her face scrunched up in confusion at the man's words. Y/N's fists loosened up, the blanket she had draped over her was freed from her grasp. Anxiety filled the girl to the brim, she suddenly felt like curling over and releasing her lunch.

'If this is what being a hero is like, do I have what it takes? Sure I want to help others and grow my name more but can't I just become a social worker or something? I mean, they help people too, plus they don't dance with death every time they attend work.'

        As Y/N pondered these worrying thoughts, she took a deep breath to calm down her shaken nerves.

        A news reporter came on screen and started summarizing everything that had just happened, mindlessly she shut the TV off and slumped back on the couch. A tear slid down her cheek at the realization of how dangerous the world was. Hell, even a student from the school she was going to be attending was kidnapped by fucking villains. Letting out a long sigh, she picked up her phone and started scrolling through her unread messages.

[11:32 PM] Riku🧲: I'll be home shortly the line here is taking forever, I got noodles I hope that's okay with you.

[11:34 PM] Y/N: yeah that's fine

        Y/N shut her phone off and spaced out thinking about how she got to be here. The girl was originally from America, where quirks are rare. Only about 200 people have been recorded to have one. So the spotlight had been on the girl since her quirk started developing. Which was around age 4. The spotlight had also fallen on Y/N's mom, much to her disadvantage.

        Her mom, Stephanie whom insisted everyone call her Steph, was a struggling drug addict. It was clear to anyone who met the woman that she was unstable, including the millions of people who saw her behavior during a particular interview that was broadcasted live. Her unnerving presence prompted police to get involved, Steph was found guilty of illegal drug usage and dealing, which resulted in rehab. Y/N was 12 at the time, she saw the police take her mom away.

        A shiver crawled up her spine, making goosebumps appear on her arms. Y/N recalled watching her mom be pinned down by police in the front yard. She remembered an officer setting an arm on her shoulder as they watched from the porch. Worst of all, she remembered her Mom screaming curses at her. The curses continued until the police got her in the car. Her mom revealed her true feelings that night. Stephanie blamed her own arrest on Y/N.

         The young girl stayed in the spotlight until she turned 15. After watching her mom be released from rehab only to return on multiple occasions, going in and out of hospitals, long meetings with government officials and scientists, Y/N started to struggle with putting on a smile for the public eye. She was tired of people getting in her face, hell, she couldn't even walk down the street without going unnoticed.

        The H/C haired girl found herself utterly unhappy with life. After a failed attempt to commit, government officials decided Japan would be the best place for the girl to reside. Since quirks are the normalcy there, and she wouldn't constantly be harassed for having a one. Y/N was then handed over to Riku, after being cleared as stable by the hospital and some therapists. Riku pulled some strings to book an exam for the girl. For a school called UA, although he didn't exactly ask if Y/N wanted to be a hero first. It was just more convenient for everyone that way.

        Nonetheless, she trained for months with Riku. Turning to training and studying heroes whenever she got sad or upset. She had read multiple articles about Class One A, and the students it contained. They had been targeted by the League Of Villains on multiple occasions resulting in great casualties. This was apparent by the press conference she had just seen on TV before All Might stole the show. Her situation wasn't great, but she'd set her mind to being the best she possibly could. Plus, heroes weren't the norm in America. It was insane that heroes existed, kind of scary. But intriguing? We'll see.

         Riku was a friend of Aizawa, whom Y/N had met a few times. He was one of the spectators watching her entrance exam. Aizawa was a strange man. He seemed tired all the time, he even had black smudges under his eyes. Like a grown man stuck in his emo phase. Riku was also a wealthy man, not a hero or anything like that, but someone who helped out with things called hero agencies. His quirk was Magnetism, which allowed him to attract metal objects to himself whenever he pleased.

        The sound of the door opening behind her caused Y/N to jump a little bit, relaxing after seeing it was merely Riku. Who was drenched? His black hair was matted to his face, with a few loose strands still springing up above the rest. His glasses were also fogged up.

"What the hell happened to you?" She mused as she got up to help him put groceries away.

"The weather happened," Riku responded as he took off his coat, revealing a soaked button-up underneath.

        Moments of silence passed before Y/N asked Riku if he had seen the news, "No, but I know what happened. And I encourage you to not let the ordeal bother you, especially since you start UA tomorrow."

"Ugh, don't remind me. I'm not looking forward to waking up at the crack of fucking dawn." Y/N groaned sarcastically trying to lighten the mood, putting a cup of noodles in the microwave.

"Language. And don't be dramatic, you only have to be up around 7:30, leave by 8."

        Y/N rolled her eyes as she forked a bite of noodles into her mouth. Anxiety welled up inside her but was soon replaced by dread. Her brow furrowed and her face twisted into a grimace at the thought of the morning looming just mere hours away.

        Riku and the girl chatted for a few more minutes until his phone rang and he excused himself into his study. Used to being alone in the up-kept penthouse he owned, she decided to tidy up the kitchen to try to clear her mind of any nervousness. Washing her silverware in the sink, her mind finally accepted something her heart didn't. She was going to be a part of Class One A. Having looked at the school's website a few months ago, she found the staff members and what they did at the school. Aizawa taught Class One A, and he was the only hero teacher at her entrance exam so it made sense.

       Mouth set into a grim line, Y/N splashed her face with some cold water before going off to bed.

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