Spikey Haired Boys

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[Bakugou POV]

Bakugou lay on his bed, surrounded by darkness. The only light was being emitted from his digital alarm clock. The neon yellow numbers read 9:05 PM. Seeing this, Bakugou huffed and turned to his side.

His eyes glossed over, and his nose twitched. Ever since the kidnapping and almost dying ordeal, he had trouble falling asleep. The blonde boy still had vivid memories of what happened. They haunted him. They scared him.

Bakugou's mouth formed into a scowl at the fact that he was afraid. 'Afraid of something that poses no threat anymore. What a pussy.' He thought to himself, before turning over once more and blinking away a tear before it could roll down his face.

After a while of laying there, in the darkness, the ash-blonde succumbed to sleep.

[Present Time]

Y/N arrived at the entrance of the school. Peering up at the large gate, she halted. Anxiety rushed through her like a bullet to the head, her knees wobbled and she suddenly felt like going back to Riku's penthouse and giving up on everything.

Calming herself, the E/C eyed girl took a shaky breath and made her way through the gates. She kept her head down on the walk up to the school, some students out in the front eyed her with curiosity. Y/N could feel their stares.

Once inside, the hallways were a little better. Though they were crowded, not many people seemed to give her the time of day. Y/N's lips formed a small smile of relief at the fact that the attention was taken off of her once more.

She knew how to handle attention, she had grown up in the public eye. But that being the case, she never made any real friends. Most who approached her in an attempt to gain her trust, only wanted some spotlight to be shone on them too. Whereas the kids in her old school avoided her, not wanting to be associated with the disturbing life Y/N lived. Especially after that interview.

She was pushed out of her thoughts, literally. A particular spiky-haired boy bumped into her shoulder. Letting out a quick gasp as she propped her arm up against the wall to keep from stumbling any further, she looked up. The startled girl met eyes with a red-haired boy, he gave her an awkward smile. Offering a hand out to Y/N the boy started apologizing for his friend's actions.

Peering past the boy in front of her, Y/N caught sight of the culprit. The boy had spikey blonde hair, similar to the red-haired one. However, his spikes went in all directions instead of straight up. Turning her attention back to the male in front of her she hesitantly took his hand and stood upright again.

"Man, sorry about Bakugou. He's just like that, it's nothing personal." The boy chuckled before continuing, "I'm Kirishima, I don't think we've met before. What course are you in?"

"Oh, I'm-" Before Y/N could finish talking, she was cut off by the boy who ran into her, who Kirishima called Bakugou.

"You're gonna make me fucking late shitty hair! Hurry up and stop talking to that damn extra!"

"Well, I've got to go now! Good chatting with you!" Kirishima said with an apologetic look on his face before jogging to catch up with Bakugou.

Y/N stood still, her brows furrowed in puzzlement at what just happened. Slightly shaking her head to mentally clear her mind, she continued on her way to her new classroom. Once she arrived, after a few wrong turns, she stared in shock at how large the door was. It reached all the way up to the ceiling!

"Do they expect me to open this thing by myself? The fuck they think I am?" Y/N muttered to herself before deciding she'd knock first.

The door opened, revealing the students of her new class. As well as her new teacher. Aizawa. The girl hadn't yet noticed the stares of the class to her left.

"Sorry, I made a few wrong turns." She stated in an apologetic tone.

Aizawa sighed, as he guided Y/N towards his desk in order to make introductions. "This is Y/N L/N, she's our transfer student." Aizawa turned to face the girl, "You'll be in seat 9, behind Kirishima." He looked at the class with a tired expression, "I trust you can continue introductions from here." The worn-out man kneeled down and curled up into a sickly colored sleeping bag.

Y/N stared in shock at Aizawa's odd behavior before turning to look at the class once more. Feeling slightly intimidated by all the stares she promptly calmed herself before proceeding, 'Just act like it's an interview' She told herself.

"Hi," She gave a small wave to the students before her, "I'm Y/N, I'm originally from America. Quirks are rare there, so now I'm here." The girl chuckled awkwardly and looked back at the class.

"Hey! You're the one I met this morning!" Kirishima exclaimed before calling across the classroom to Bakugou, whose head was down on his desk.

Jolting up with a scowl at Kirishima, Bakugou questioned him, "What do you want?!"

"It's the girl you ran into earlier! You can apologize properly now man!"

Y/N stared cautiously at the enraged blonde, who snapped his head towards her. His eyes narrowing, "I didn't fucking do anything to that extra! SHE ran into ME!" The targeted girl flinched at how loud he was being and decided that she should just sit down now. As she walked to her seat, she felt the stares of the other students on her. Especially Bakugou's, if he had a laser quirk, she'd be dust already.

The next 4 classes went by relatively quick, Y/N was an above-average student. Having been taught a grade ahead of where she should've been in America. Basically, Y/N had already learned the material that her class was given. The only reason she wasn't put into the next grade was because of her inexperience with her quirk.

The bell rang, startling the girl who was twiddling the loose threads of her skirt. She mentally sighed, thankful that she would no longer be bored. She had finished the work early and had nothing else to do besides sit at her desk and stare at her peers. Most of which seemed to struggle with the worksheets given out. Y/N had been one of 4 to finish the paper early, the other three also sat at their desks quietly.

As she sat there, she was able to secretly gawk at her classmates. Trying not to be rude or obvious about it though, she moved her gaze every few seconds to someone new. The appearances of some of her peers shocked her, like the one with the bird head to her left. As well as the pink girl.

[Bakugou POV] [30 Minutes Ago]

Deep in thought and focused on finishing his first paper, his thinking was disrupted by Present Mic announcing that Y/N had finished all her work already. Bakugou looked up at the girl whose face was red due to the call out, he glared and watched as she took her seat.

No one finished before Yaoyorozu, and yet here was this new girl acting like she was better than him and everyone else. Sparks started to crackle in his palms due to his annoyance with the situation.

Enraged with resentment, the blonde-haired boy refocused and continued on with his work. Finishing after Iida and Yaoyorozu. With his spare time before lunch, Bakugou kicked his feet up on his desk and stared out the window. He bore a pissed off expression, even though nothing, in particular, was bothering him anymore.


Yeo, so we're just gonna pretend like Kouda doesn't exist in order to keep the student number at 20. And for the plot, of course😅✌🏻

 And for the plot, of course😅✌🏻

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