The Light

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"What do you mean you knew already? Why didn't you tell me when you first found out?!"

Y/N's voice rang out through her room, slicing through the silence. She waited for an answer from the other end of the line, her fingers curled tightly around her phone in rage.

"I didn't want you to have a rough start to school. I planned on letting you know sometime this week." Riku's voice floated over the static sound coming from the mobile device up to her ear.

The girl's lip twitched, "You 'planned to let me know'?" 

"That is correct." Riku plainly stated.

Y/N exploded in emotional turmoil, "How can you be so okay with this? I deserved to know the whereabouts of my own Mother! And I deserve to be told when someone in my life gets released from a fucking rehab facility! I deserve to know that my Mother is engaged! Most of all I deserve to know who the hell's going to be my damn Stepfather!"

        The girl's voice went wry with rage. She struggled to keep her tone low as to not become too loud, the others didn't need to know about this yet. There was a pause before Riku continued.

"We all deserve things, that doesn't mean we get them." Y/N opened her mouth to respond with sass but Riku cut her off, "You keep bouncing back and forth as well. One day she's your mother, the next she's not. But I don't blame you for feeling that way Y/N, being a human is complicated. Being a human with emotions is even more complicating. However, you have to either leave the curtain closed or leave it open. You can't keep drawing it back to take a peek then close it."

The H/C haired girl lightly smirked at Riku's metaphor. "Well then if the curtain is closed how am I supposed to get light?"

"There are many other ways to get light. Lamps, fires, flashlights, the list goes on. You just have to find the one that gives you the most light. Understand?"

"Yeah. I guess."

After conversing for a few more minutes with Riku, Y/N hung up and plopped down onto her bed. Somehow her brain had processed what Riku had said, weird metaphors and all. 

"I have to find the one that gives me the most light..." Her voice trailed off, deep in thought.

One thought led to another and Y/N found herself thinking about what Kirishima had said earlier at lunch about the sports festival. Intrigued, she decided to find it online and give it a watch.


After finishing watching the 4-hour long recording of the sports festival, Y/N started regretting her decision of applying to UA. 

"I'm totally going to die here." The girl muttered to herself after watching how beat up the students got, "But the ending was funny so like-" She snickered to herself.

Exiting out of the full screen, a thumbnail for one of the videos in her recommended caught her eye. It was a news report of a student who had been attacked by a villain about a year ago. Clicking on it, the girl gasped as she saw Bakugou's face on the screen. Not even his face, just his eyes. The rest of him was completely encased by what the reporters were calling the Sludge Villain. Quicky clicking out of the video to spare her some emotional damage, she understood why Bakugou resisted the restraints at the sports festival so much. It was probably triggering, not being able to move.

With this shocking realization in mind, Y/N mindlessly clicked off her light and plugged in her laptop. Settling into bed for the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2020 ⏰

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