Yellow = Gross

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        Y/N stood in the front of the cafeteria, a tray of food in hand. Scanning for an unoccupied table. It was deafeningly loud. Just as her eyes had landed upon an empty table in the corner, someone approached her.

"Hey! Y/N right? I'm Mina Ashido, call me whichever! Come sit with us!" The pink-skinned girl started pulling Y/N by her arm towards a table with some of her other classmates seated at it.

        The H/C haired girl let out a small laugh at Mina's bubbly personality. Being this up close to Mina, Y/N could see that the girl was in fact pink. It wasn't makeup. She assumed the same logic applied with Mina's black eyes and horns, that she was born with it as apart of her quirk.

'Quirks are something else. This is insane!' Y/N thought to herself.

        Arriving at the table, she recognized Kirishima. Who smiled at her, and patted the seat next to him. Sitting down in between Mina and Kirishima, Y/N started eating.

"I'm Kaminari! I'm one of the more popular ones here, I'm also single. Are you in a relationship?" A yellow-haired boy started pelting love-related questions at the girl whose mouth was currently full of rice. Struggling to swallow the food in time, Y/N just shook her head.

"Oh, well in that case, could I get your number?" Kaminari asked as he struggled to make a seductive face. The target of the boys flirting smirked as she handed her phone over to him.

       Satisfied with his work, Kaminari resumed eating. Y/N's phone then got passed to Mina and Kirishima. As well as to another boy who introduced himself as Sero.

        Creating contacts for the four new friends she had made, Y/N noticed an unread message from Riku.

[12:27 PM] Riku🧲: How's it going so far?

[12:41 PM] Y/N: good, I've made some friends and the written work is relatively easy

        Y/N looked up from her phone as a tray was slammed on the table in front of her. Her wide eyes met Bakugou's, who was standing up with a look of pure rage on his face.

"Why the hell is she here?!" The enraged boy questioned the others.

"Because I invited her! She's pretty nice once you get over your ego and actually talk to new people." Mina fired back as politely as possible.

"Shut the hell up raccoon eyes! This is MY table which means MY rules." Bakugou snarled back, his hands gripping the edge of the table leaving small scorches in the wood, "And I don't allow extras here!"

         As the others tried to calm down the angry boy in front of her, Y/N's phone pinged. Drowning out the yelling around her, she checked her notifications.

[12:45 PM] Riku🧲: You'll get along just fine. I'm surprised you didn't just return to the apartment.

[12:45 PM] Y/N: yeah yeah, I almost did

         Y/N rolled her eyes and smirked at Riku's remark. They'd only known each for a few months, but Riku grasped Y/N's personality pretty well. To be honest, he was a cool guy, he acted like a super laid back parent.

        Turning her attention back to the people at the table, she noticed Bakugou had taken a seat and was now angrily eating his food.

"So...what are your quirks?" The girl asked rather awkwardly, curiosity sparking inside of her.

"I have Electrification, so basically if you touch me during a fight I'll electrocute you! Pretty cool right?" Kaminari stated with a mouth full of food.

"Yeah but after you use it you become totally dumb!" The dark-haired boy, Sero, started laughing as Kaminari became defensive. Ignoring the boy Sero turned towards Y/N and began to speak. "I have Tape, it shoots out of my elbows," He held his arm up for the girl to see, shock spread across her face, "It doesn't seem like much, but it's super useful!"

"Well I've got Hardening," Kirishima demonstrated by making his arm rock solid and jagged.

"It matches your hair," Y/N commented and turned to face Mina, who was already excitedly waiting for her turn to speak.

"I have Acid! It's major cool! I'd rather not melt anything right now, but I'll definitely show you later!" Mina spoke fast and with enthusiasm. Her facial expressions seemed to rapidly change with each word she spoke.

        Y/N smiled at Mina's childlike behavior, but something still confused her, "Does your quirk affect your appearance?" Y/N questioned.

"Oh! Yeah, I kinda forgot about that part. My major quirk is my acid, my minor one is my appearance. It's a good thing pink is my favorite color! I don't know what I'd do if I was yellow or something." Mina's eyes widened and she grimaced at the thought of being completely yellow, which offended Kaminari.

"Oh, that's cool. Quirks are insane! I was one of the few people in America who had one, so it was kind of hard to fit it." Y/N chuckled nervously on the subject of her life in America.

"Well here, in this school, compared to me, you're nothing special. I'm the best so don't act like you better than everyone else." Bakugou cut in, he was glaring daggers at Y/N.

         She gulped and turned to the ash-blonde boy in front of her, "No, I didn't mean it like that-" She hastily tried to explain, but was cut off by the bell ringing. Signifying that lunch had come to an end. Bakugou shot up out of his seat and sauntered away. Even though she had just been yelled at by him, and she admitted he was a rather scary person, she had to choke down a laugh at the way he walked.

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