Retail Therapy

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        The girl yawned and opened her eyes lazily. Blinking away tears from the yawn, Y/N realized she was in her room. Confused, she tried to remember how she got here. All she managed to remember was being on Bakugou's back before they crossed the finish line.

       Checking the time, she saw it was 6:17 PM.

"Damn what the fuck happened?" She asked herself, moving her arms around to try to find her phone. After some failed attempts of flailing around, she stood up and tore her room apart trying to find it.

        Not long after the girl realized she was also missing her hero costume and school bag. Most of all she remembered being in her hero costume, so why the hell was she in pajamas that weren't hers? Slightly panicking, she left her room in search of answers from the others.

        Reaching the common area, she was greeted by Momo and Kirishima.

"Y/N! You're awake, how are you feeling?" Kirishima asked her, while Momo walked over to give the disoriented girl a hug.

"Uh? Fine, I don't remember anything after winning the race. I can't find my stuff, does anyone know where it is? And how did I end up in these clothes?" Y/N scratched her arm in embarrassment.

        Momo spoke up, "Uraraka has your belongings. You passed out from overdoing your quirk, Iida took you to Recovery Girl. After being cleared I think you were brought back here by Todoroki. Oh, and those are some old clothes I had. Just keep them."

        The girl nodded, her mouth forming into an "Oh" shape. Quickly thanking Momo and Kirishima, she headed to Uraraka to retrieve her things. Passing some of her classmates on the way back upstairs, they appeared pleased to see she was alright.

"Oh Y/N! You're better!" The two girls stood in Uraraka's doorframe, the lively girl wouldn't let Y/N out of a bear hug.

        Uraraka handed Y/N her things, letting her know her phone was going off like crazy.

"Thanks, Ochako!" The girl hurriedly said before stepping back into the hallway to find and thank Iida and Todoroki.

        Returning from thanking the two boys, she unlocked her phone and slid down the notification panel. Seeing multiple texts and missed calls from Riku. Letting loose a sigh, she pinched the bridge of her nose not wanting to be scolded by the man for overdoing herself.


        It was Saturday, Y/N was currently waiting on Momo to finish trying on some of the clothing she had picked out. She was at the mall with the girls of Class One A, her feet hurt like hell.

        Don't get it twisted, Y/N loved some good retail therapy. But Momo really had no limit, they'd been in the mall for almost 6 hours. Jirou had gone home early with Tsuyu and Hagakure, Uraraka was with Mina in the food court, while Momo dragged Y/N around still exploring new stores.

"Alright, what do you think about this one?"

        Y/N turned her head to face Momo, she was wearing a red blazer with white pants. Cocking an eyebrow, the girl nodded her head with a smile, implying she liked the fit. Momo ended up trying on a few more things before heading back to the food court.

[5:47 PM] Mina💕: Where are u guys!? don't tell me Momo's still trying stuff on!

[5:49 PM] Y/N: we're on our way back to u guys now, hopefully, the food isn't cold😂

[5:50 PM] Mina💕: FINALLY! Ochaco and I were starting to think u guys died in there!

[5:50 PM] Y/N: if anything died in there, its definitely Momo's bank account

        Before Mina could text back, Momo and Y/N arrived at the food court. Uraraka waved them over to a table they were sitting at, various bags of clothing surrounded the girls.

"That's a lot of stuff Momo..." Uraraka commented after noticing how much Momo struggled to carry the bags.

"I offered to help and she insisted on carrying everything herself." Y/N chuckled in response.

"I'm perfectly fine! What are you talking about?" Momo lied with a nervous laugh, struggling to even get the words out from how much stuff she was carrying.

        The girls chatted and ate their dinner, the mall becoming less crowded as the hours passed. The conversation turned into one about crushes, courtesy of Mina, Uraraka's face went bright red as she started rambling about never having a crush.

"Lies! You definitely like either Iida or Midoriya!" Mina grinned as the girl started panicking more, covering her face with her hands she floated a few feet from her chair.

        Y/N leaned closer to Mina and whispered to her, "It's definitely Midoriya, they're both so awkward around each other, it has to be."

        Nodding in agreement, Mina steered the conversation over to Momo. Who claimed she didn't like anyone in particular, but not without admitting Todoroki would be good boyfriend material.

"Todoroki has like the cutest face! Momo you should totally make a move on him while he's still available!" Mina started enthusiastically making a plan with Momo, who awkwardly nodded along.

        The H/C haired girl spaced out, somehow her thoughts found their way to her Mom. Letting out a small breath, she looked down at her shoes, aware that her eyes were getting watery. Y/N bit down hard on her bottom lip to keep a tear from escaping, she hadn't thought about her Mom in a while. She didn't even say goodbye.

"What about you Y/N?" Mina's voice brought the girl back to reality. Quickly wiping away any tears with her sleeve, she lifted her head back up to see the three girls eyeing her with curiosity.

"Oh, um. Well, I've never dated anyone before, I've only had a few crushes back when I was little. But they were all TV characters." She nervously laughed, hoping Mina wouldn't push the topic of her past.

        Suddenly a worker approached their table, sparing Y/N. They hadn't noticed they were the only ones still in the food court until now. The sun had set and darkness approached, checking her phone Y/N saw it read 9:37 PM. The mall had closed seven minutes ago.


       Y/N collapsed on her bed, glancing at her alarm clock that read 11:21. The girl was tired all the way back to the dorms, she could barely stay awake in the shower and hadn't even bothered to put her new clothes away. The bags sat scattered on her floor.

     But for some reason, once she actually laid down, she couldn't fall asleep. The girl tossed and turned for an hour until giving up and going to the kitchen for a midnight snack.

        Y/N sat at the bar counter, with some grapes in a bowl. She stared mindlessly around the darkroom, the only light streaming in from the full moon.

         She erupted into tears. Not bothering to try to prevent them this time, she knew these were long overdue. As quietly as she could, she let out all the emotions she had bottled up since moving to Japan. It was a lot, tears fell onto the counter and created wet spots on her tank top.

        The girl sat there for a while after letting the waterworks run. Just staring into nothingness. Her face was puffy, blotchy red patches scattered her cheeks. Taking a shaky breath she reached over to the paper towel holder started to wipe up the counter. The moonlight illuminating the kitchen, Y/N caught a glimpse of the scars on her wrist.

        Her eyes watered up again at the sight of the jagged lines in her skin, she rested her head on her opposite hand. Tears ran down her arm. She lifted her head up to look at the ceiling, droplets trickled down her cheeks. Her face was twisted into an expression of pain, sniffling, she asked no one in particular.

"Why is it like this?" Her voice came out cracked and high pitched.

"What the fuck are you doing? It's one in the fucking morning and you're talking to yourself you damn weirdo."

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