Dayum Gurl

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Y/N was in Present Mic's class bored, once again finished with all her work. This time she had 35 minutes to spare. Bakugou had been glaring daggers at her all day. Y/N didn't have to see him glaring to feel his stares burn into her.

She decided to scroll through social media to pass the time, thankful that Present Mic didn't care about her being on her phone. As she was looking at All Might's latest interview, a notification popped up on the screen.

[12:15 PM] UNKNOWN NUMBER: Hey, its Ochako! Ashido gave me your number this morning

[12:16 PM] Y/N: hey, I'll make a contact for u real quick


After Y/N had finished picking out an emoji to go next to Uraraka's name, she texted back. Her lips forming a small smile at how friendly her other classmates were. Except for Bakugou, obviously.

[12:19 PM] Y/N: all finished!

[12:20 PM] Uraraka🌺: Me too!

Y/N and Uraraka texted back and forth for the next 10 minutes, walking together to the cafeteria after class was dismissed.

"You should sit with us today!" Uraraka turned towards Y/N with a smile.

"Sounds good." The girl responded. 'I'd rather not sit anywhere near Bakugou anyways.' She thought.


Y/N had lunch at Uraraka's table. Iida, Midoriya, Tsuyu, and Todoroki were there as well. They all bonded pretty well, Y/N learned their quirks. And she had to admit, she felt a little intimidated by how amazing their quirks were. Especially by Todoroki, I mean he had fire and ice!

'Hopefully I won't have to go up against him in a fight!' She thought to herself, eyes wide.

She also got everyone's numbers, they all agreed that in case of emergency it was good to have a contact number.

The girl was now in the locker rooms, changing into her hero costume. It was a little awkward as Y/N had never had to change in a locker room before this. Nonetheless, she was thankful the other girls were supportive and didn't tease her like the stereotypical locker room scenes in movies.

It was her first time trying on the final outfit, she had worn the prototypes before. It was skin-tight, which Y/N was kind of self-conscious about. But after Mina constantly looking over at her rubbing her chin and going, "Damn girl." Which she pronounced more like, "Dayum gurl." Y/N's worries were replaced by laughter.

Together, the girls exited the locker room and entered an arena type structure.

[Bakugou POV]

Bakugou stood with the rest of the boys from Class One A, waiting for the girls to enter the gym. The ash-blonde was becoming impatient, he started getting annoyed at how long they were taking. He absentmindedly started tapping his foot onto the ground, making small clouds of dust appear by his feet.

Finally, the group of girls entered the gym. They huddled together at first, but as they came closer to the boys they spread apart.

"Mineta! You must stand here where Mr. Aizawa instructed you to!" Iida started yelling at the short male.

Upon hearing these words Bakugou looked up and saw Mineta sprinting towards the girls with drool running down his chin. Rolling his eyes, he watched as Hagakure slapped Mineta across the face.

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