Miranda The Reporter

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[Y/N's POV]

The girl finally got the change and receipt slip into her pocket. She straightened up and readjusted the bags in her hands, her gaze fell on Bakugou who was taking up a whole bench. Not expecting him to still be there, she spoke up.

"You didn't have to stay you know. I know where I am now." Y/N awkwardly chuckled as she approached him. The plastic bags crinkling with every movement she made.

"Well, why didn't you fucking tell me that!?" He angrily raised his voice at the girl, before checking himself, "Whatever. We're both going to the same place anyway." He stood up and started walking off. Leaving the girl behind.

Y/N jogged to catch up once more, "I have to drop these off at someone's place. It's on the way back to the dorms, you can come if you want but it's a hike up seven flights of stairs." She strained a smile at the angry boy.

"You think I can't handle seven flights of fucking stairs?! I'm not some useless bug you dumbass bitch!" He shouted back at her, earning a flinch from the H/C haired girl in return.

The two UA students walked down the sidewalk together in silence. To Y/N's surprise, Bakugou was oddly calm, compared to his usual chaotic self. The only sounds being made were the plastic bags hitting her leg, and the occasional car whizzing by. The sun deepened into the horizon, leaving a dark blue tint to everything in view.

Upon arrival at Riku's apartment complex, Y/N punched in the numbers to the keypad. Which unlocked the entrance gate, Bakugou followed. He studied the surroundings, before speaking.

"Where the fuck does this guy live? Is he rich or something?" His questions were rudely toned, but the girl brushed it off before answering.

"He lives in the penthouse, he invests in hero-agencies so yeah he's pretty rich. This is only one of his houses, he normally doesn't stay here but since I'm here he's around more often."

She led the way through the lobby, and up toward the staircase. She hated that the elevator was under repair at the moment, she'd have to struggle up seven flights of fucking stairs with groceries. Not to mention the judgemental presence of Bakugou behind her.

"Hope you've got good cardio." She joked as they started up the long staircase.

[Bakugou POV]

The ash-blonde boy studied the staircase. It was carpeted, the design was rather ugly but he decided to keep his mouth shut for once. They were on flight six, the hike was obviously hard for Y/N. However, this just made it ten times more amusing for Bakugou.

"Weren't you just rubbing it in about having good cardio and you can't even get up some stairs without having to take a break. Tch." The boy mocked Y/N as he watched her dramatically pant, she had sprawled herself out on the stairs.

"Overdramatic asshole." He commented before kicking her form with his foot. This earned the boy a swat from the girl's hand, which he rolled his eyes at before continuing onwards up the stairs.


Bakugou waited outside of the penthouse door. He impatiently tapped his foot on the floor before checking the time on his phone. The numbers read 7:44 PM.

"It's so fucking late." He scowled in annoyance before debating just leaving and letting the girl walk back to the dorms on her own.

Just as he was about to walk off, the door opened and out stepped Y/N. She glanced at him before making her way back down the stairs. She took out her phone a few times and tapped the screen, he watched as her face was illuminated by different colors from the screen.

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