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[Bakugou POV]

The ash-blonde boy walked into the dorms, the others greeted Y/N. Kirishima gave him a wave, Bakugou responded with a scowl. He made his way into the kitchen to get something to eat and overheard the others gossiping about Y/N's behavior.

He didn't make any attempt to join the others, instead, he opted to finish his food and take a hot fucking shower. He qualified this day as shitty. He spent the afternoon practically babysitting Y/N.

But still, it was obvious she was upset. He found himself wondering about her past, not because he was interested in her as a person. But because he wanted to satisfy some slight curiosity as to how that reporter knew her name, and why Y/N reacted the way she did. Plus, he still sort of wanted to know why she was crying the other night.

Making his way to the boy's showers, he passed Raccoon Eyes and the Gravity Girl. They had their ears up to Y/N's door, with frowns on their faces. Ignoring them, he continued towards the elevator. Glad that it was empty he pushed the button to the first floor. He found himself wondering what would've happened if he hadn't told the reporter to get the fuck away. What would Y/N have done then?


Bakugou was hunched over his desk finishing up homework, occasionally responding to Kirishima and Kaminari's texts. Both of them nagged him about what happened with Y/N, they quickly shut up once he told them to fuck off. His mind began wandering once more, only to be reeled back in by the sound of his pencil's tip breaking again.

Annoyed, the ash-blonde tossed it to the floor across the room. Rereading his work, he decided it was pretty good. As he was packing his homework into his school bag, his phone vibrated. Assuming it was Kirishima he grabbed the device and unlocked it. Seeing instead it was from Raccoon Eyes.

[8:41 PM] raccoon eyes: What happened with Y/N? Ochako and I heard her crying in her room, like full-on sobs!

[8:43 PM] bakugou: I don't fucking know, don't text me

The boy rolled his eyes and tossed his phone onto his bed, settling under the covers he flicked off his lamp and turned onto his side. The events of the day still lingered in his mind, which he hated.

Bakugou hated that he was curious, or interested at all about Y/N. She didn't deserve to have his attention. She thought she was better than him. Well, she wasn't. She was a messy stupid girl, and it was apparent that she lived a messy stupid life. He could easily crush her, as easily as he could Deku.

Remembering the altercation between her and the reporter, he recalled something Y/N had said.

"Don't be surprised if there are rumors about us dating or something stupid like that."

His face tinted a light shade of pink at the thought of him dating anyone. Love was a stupid thing. It was a horrible awful stupid thing. He had other things to worry about, such as surpassing Deku and becoming the number one hero. Love is for lowlifes who don't have anything better to do besides give all their feelings to someone else.

Turning over to his other side in annoyance, he squeezed his eyes shut in an attempt to make himself fall asleep. Surprisingly this method seemed to work, for not much longer he drifted off to the sound of his own breathing.


Her alarm rang loudly, jolting the tired girl out of slumber. Moving her arm around her nightstand trying to locate her phone, she sat up to rub her eyes with her other hand. Finding her phone and shutting the alarm off, she began to get up and do her morning stretch.

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